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Author Topic: Local Association Gripes  (Read 795 times)


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Local Association Gripes
« on: October 27, 2003, 12:01:55 AM »
I've seen a lot of these as "by the way" comments in a few threads - so I thought it was time to air some of our local dirty laundry.
What are your gripes about your local associations?
I don't necessarily mean personality gripes - what are they doing or not doing so that you aren't getting what you expect?

Is there anything you think they can do to make it better?

Our local ABC director is great. My gripes are with the women's association.

One gripe was when I got my 300 ring. I had already been "presented" with the ABC ring, so the local rep dropped my WIBC ring off at the house, with the comment "she doesn't need any more attention - she already got the men's ring".

I've got a few more, but I'll stop there for now...
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Re: Local Association Gripes
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2003, 10:55:31 PM »
We have a resonably large association, but we only meet about once per quarter. That is plenty to conduct our business. In addition we have an annual secretaries meeting in conjunction with our local women, a delegates/awards dinner and two dinner meetings. We don't eat at the regular meeting or expect to. The dinners consist of the installation of new officers and directors at one and a winter dinner shortly after Christmas/New Years. I think that is more than enough for what we do. We volunteer and don't do this for the money or recognition and I think I speak for the majority if not all of our board. That is what being involved in the sport we love is all about.

Do we always do everything we can? Probably not...We try to do what we can. We donate through our Veterans fundraiser directly to the Dallas Veterans HOspital, so they can benefit as much as possible from our support. We have a good City tournament we move around between our local centers and host the State Toutney every 4 or 5 years. We have a good mix of smaller and large centers and actually have two new centers that have opened in the past year or so, with two more on the way. That is not bad for what is supposed to be a sport that is a bad investment.

Do I have complaints about our board or the local womens. Sure, who doesn't. Nothing is perfect. The local women should be more proactive and not wait ot be called. Something in their charter that should be changed. The men have had to do all inspections for years, but we don't follow or inforce the regualtions for lanes like we should. That is my pet peave and the leaders know it. I don't say it here and not to them. Overall, we have a good association with a lot of guys that really love and care for this sport and the bowlers. That is what it takes. You can not be on one of these boards without a love for the sport/game. If you don't you will not stay on the board very long.