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Author Topic: local association hall of fames  (Read 5127 times)


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local association hall of fames
« on: March 21, 2014, 06:20:15 PM »
Looking for some input on the voting processes and procedures used by different local associations for their hall of fames. I serve on the board of my local association and year by year our voting is dropping off and this year we did not have a single inductee. Our current process is that anyone who meets the nomination requirements can be nominated by any member of our association. Our voting is then done by the members of our board, association directors and all current living HOF members. Our current voting procedure is two stages. Stage one you can vote on up to three nominees and fifty percent of the vote is required to move onto stage 2. Stage 2 allows for a vote of up to two of the remaining nominees and requires a 75 percent vote for induction. Our main problem is lack of ballots we receive back. I think this year there were either 34 or 36 possible voters. Stage 1 we only got 21 ballots and stage 2 we only received 18. All board members and directors turned theirs in so it was all HOF members that we did not get votes from. This was the first year since 1980 that we did not have an inductee into our hall despite three nominees moving onto stage 2. 13 votes were needed for induction and the nominees received 12, 12 and 11 (despite one of them receiving 20 out of 21 in stage 1). I'm looking for input and suggestions either posted here or you could message me if that would be easier. As an association we don't know what we can do to increase our voting or if we need to change our current procedures and regulations. Any comparisons or differences between our association and your local would be appreciated. This is something that is going to be on the agenda for our next meeting. Any and all comments, suggestions, criticisms or whatever of our current process and procedure will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any and help you may provide.


Mighty Fish

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Re: local association hall of fames
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2014, 01:39:27 PM »
Our "Hall of Fame" got turned into a gigantic joke by the bowling center owner and manager who have decided to put in whomever they want to.

 Originally, it was to have been voted on by the prior members of the Hall, but then the centers owner decided to put in other people, and just basically took it over.
Dear Juggernaut:

How did the proprietor(s) "take over" the Hall of Fame?