Had London tonight, 44 feet of oil very short head oil fair volume 15-15 very light everywhere else, also pattern is flat at the end of the oil.
Game 1: Began with my AfterMath Pearl. (35x4 1/2x35 oob surface) tried playing straighter and I was in Jail. Grabbed the MoRich RIP/R (pin over Bridge mb out 1 inch at 4000 abralon) and began hooking it a little, started about 14 at the arrows break point about 8 at about 44 feet down lane.
Game 2: Bumping in quickly off of the line I used the first game I found myself at 17 or so playing out ten still at 44 feet. I was expecting the pattern to continue transitioning but toward the middle of the game it just stopped and held for quite a peroid of time.
Game 3: Still no transition, stayed with the same line until the tenth frame of the game before I moved 2 1/2 and 1 with my marks, also brought the break point inside and closer to me, 42 feet at 10-12. all of a sudden if you got it to 8 it would go wild to the left.
Game 4: Started with my AfterMath Pearl Mentioned above, throw some poor shots to start the game then sharpened up the last few frames until the tenth then put a hole in it. Bumped left early in the game and was playing 20 at the arrows out 12. Right of that was trouble it was the Gobi Desert out their. Finished with 808 for the set.
OVERALL: This pattern if broken down well can be easy my partner and I cranked off a 1640 for the night. we were the only righties on the pair so we opened them up like nobodys buisness and took advantage of it. What made the pattern tough early was the Out of bounds right of the 8 ball wouldn't come back if you put it out their. Later once we opened a spot up it was tough because if we missed into the break point we had just vacated the ball would jump through the face. the center oil (15-15) held up very well we were on it most of the night and it stayed put very well. Seemed like you could score from anywhere on the lane depending on your style but your release and projection onto the lane along with ball speed were very important, if you were off you would be in trouble.
"Complexity lay within the artistry of execution"
+++Henry Zou+++
Founding FatherBR Inquisition