Am trying to reply to all 3 of the responses so far as best I can:
Am right-handed and generally throw between 1st and 2nd arrow. Mostly a down and in motion (lack of revs), but lately have been standing left of the center of the lane and rolling out to around 5th-8th board (just estimating... as I am not what you'd consider a precision bowler).
It's not so much the motion of the balls or how much or how little they're moving. It's a matter of unpredictability. The point at which the ball is coming out of it's skid and starting it's roll (if it even IS rolling

is what's frustrating.
Cannot string anything together. Sometimes is a carry issue, but mostly its the unpredictability of WHEN the ball will change direction. Will throw 2 or 3 beautiful shots right to the pocket and then suddenly I am way over or under on the next one.
Last night used a Storm Sky-Rocket, and resisted changing as I had bowled out of my mind with it the week before on the same lanes, although it was only practice.
Have also used Track Paradox, and various older balls: Hammer Anger (so far the best reaction, but was small sample size), Storm Xtreme, Track 607A, Track Solution, Hammer Legacy (black), and a whole bunch more that I can't remember at the moment.
Not sure what you mean by A,B, & C games, but if it's what I consider an good, bad, and terrible game (or excellent, average, and below average, for THIS season (which is an aberration---I hope---and about as awful as I've ever had) would be:
A -- 220+
B -- 185 to 200
C -- less than 180
Current average is horrific 171, whereas my average at other houses is about 187-192, and until the shot changed at this house was about the same. But the averages don't tell the whole story. My high games were much higher and much more frequent. This year has been more about averting a disastrous showing than achieving the highest highs.
And yet... somehow... my team can take the championship in a week I'd like to be the star, but will settle for not dragging us down.
So I have nothing to lose by trying something different...just not too radically so.
Thanks in advance if I don't get a chance to reply to all responses.