You guys will jump on me for saying this but........What were you expecting? Come on now, let's think about it. Bowling is unpopular to the public (and NO you can't argue that, it's true), and so no matter WHAT happens in it, there won't be some huge "talk about it for a month" story on it. I hate to say it, but bowling on TV is the equivalent of the ping-pong matches on TV. If the first ever woman was to get on the ping-pong finals or whatever, would you expect a giant story everywhere about it? No. ANd most likely, you (assuming you aren't into ping-pong) wouldn't all. And sadly, this is how bowling is too.
Like it's been said it has already, the story will be on a show or two on sportscenter, but I seriously doubt there will be some huge movement putting bowling the spotlight like I've seen some peopel thinking/expecting.....
I hope she wins though, that would still be awesome for us bowlers. Though, I do want to see Jaros/Wes bowl next year.
- Andy
Brunswick...........'nuff said.