Easiest way to determine if you are inverted or not:
Take any ball, throw it in the oil so you get some flare rings.
looking at the fingers up thumb down, Find the "bow tie" (the area where all the lines meet) and look above it. The oil line on the far left is your initial track. Measure the distance from the thumb and the distance from the fingers, if the distance from the thumb is greater, that means you are inverted.
Very few people are inverted: Reason being, its hard to release a ball with an inverted track. Your fingers usually are in the ball for a long time after the thumb comes out to make your track inverted.
I actually have an even stranger release (most of the time) than an inverted track. My first two flare rings always flare over my thumb hole, and they move away from there. It is inbetween a full roller and a 3/4 roller. My driller says he has only met one other guy who does this to the ball, and he was very dominant in the pre-resin era. I get too much lift at the bottom and do not turn fast enough (I turn plenty, usually 60 degree rotation), and it therefore thump thumps the first 15 feet. Off on a tangent, but its related to the topic at least.
Edited on 3/23/2005 0:36 AM