Got my primal instinct and v2 sweet drilled up 2 days ago. Primal-pin under ring cg swung out 1/2-1" bomb in strong flip position and v2 sweet pin up and right of ring, cg stacked below and MB in strong flip. I have thrown the 2 balls in practice so far, not knowing what the pattern was.
Pattern 1-a reverse block shot as 7 to the gutter was OB and insides especially 17 and left were extremely dry. Got so much over/under with the primal because there was no oil to swing it, should have tried to go up the boards but didn't get a chance to. The v2 sweet, i was standing 30-32 and rolling it 17-18 to about 10 and letting it fire back high flush.
Pattern 2-THS with flying backends but some oil in the mids from 17-20. I couldn't really find a liine with either ball. The lanes were so spotty from open bowlers all week it was ridiculous. I did have a fine line for about 1/2 game with the primal standing 35 rolling it to 18 at the arrows but keeping it tight to about 16 and letting it hit dead flush.
I bowl on a crown shot tomorrow for leagues, oiled to 38 and buffed to 42 i believe and will update this tomorrow evening.
Ike Brownfield