I just did,tonight in my league,8th frame of my
2nd game,o-u-c-h!!!
Its my 9th or 10th time,but I haven't done
this in about two years!
Its smashing my ankle with my ball!!!
It's supposse ta hit the lanes NOT my
ankle!Man!That HURT!!!!
All I remember is the ball slipped as I was putting my foot
down on the way of my release,I also noticed my body was
20 degrees turned thw wrong way.
Thats my question,Has Any of YOU,ya YOU,the one reading this
topic,I wanna hear some stories about ankle shooting with a
round object.
I cant be the only one on BR whos dones this
goofball release boo boo.
It still hurts,one good thing for now,the swelling
has gone down and the gash is healing as well.
Who's next!!
Ta start this!