
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Djarum on July 18, 2008, 12:35:21 AM

Title: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Djarum on July 18, 2008, 12:35:21 AM
Ok. I'm bowling on older synthetics, and as of late the lanes have just had screaming backends. Fairly playable when fresh, but when they start getting blown open, this starts presenting trouble for me. I purchased last year a jolt pearl for dryer conditions. But this ball is way too skid flippy, even after I dulled the surface. The pin is already under bridge, so I'm not sure if redrilling will help.

What I am looking for is something that is going to be smooth on dry backend, toasted up lanes. I really don't care about brand.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: dizzyfugu on July 18, 2008, 08:39:09 AM
Try to find a Slate Blue Gargoyle. Urethane pearl with a core, IMHO the ultimate weapon on toasted lanes.

Another good option is Brusnwick's Power Groove Dry/R - a very weak reactive coverstock, paired with a high RG and a good differential that get the ball well down the lane and offers any hook and control you might ask for. Not for total dry lanes, but as weak as it can get for a pearl reactive piece.
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Edited on 7/18/2008 8:39 AM
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Cambumbo on July 18, 2008, 08:48:24 AM
Avalanche Pearl, highly recommended.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: KDawg77 on July 18, 2008, 08:50:32 AM
Another option: Hammer Cherry Vibe with a length drilling. This ball arcs more than flips with great length.
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Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: MrNattyBoh on July 18, 2008, 08:53:12 AM
Check out the lower end roto-grip stuff. The Pluto or Neptune would be great balls for what you are looking for.
Mr. 298
Natty Boh Bowling!
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: icefiction on July 18, 2008, 09:06:54 AM
A jolt solid with a little polish should do the trick, or if you have a decent amount of hand and not crazy ball speed just drill a tornado and take the shine off.
A new ball will never make u better nor will agruing constantly make u right so shut up and practice.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: cjh2839 on July 18, 2008, 09:39:44 AM
Avalanche Pearl
AIM- cjh7125

Go Tarheels
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Krumpy300 on July 18, 2008, 09:44:05 AM
Blue Green Centaur. About as smooth as they come, even on drier lanes.

Way above average hit as well.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Djarum on July 18, 2008, 10:42:05 AM
The thing I notice with some of these balls is either a high rg or low diff. Usually both are bad for me. I don't want a ball to promote length with either. I want something that will read the dry properly. Something with medium rg and medium diff with a very mild solid coverstock. Is such a thing available? Maybe an orbit extreme?

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Jesse James on July 18, 2008, 10:58:16 AM
I've been in search of the ultimate dry lane piece for awhile. The MoRich dry laners were all too strong. The Big B Power Groove line was too strong off the dry as well. At least for me. Tornados.....Nope!

The Pluto and Neptune RotoGrip pieces are very interesting. Drill them strong and they will react strong like strong medium condition pieces. But drill them weak,.....and you may have something that you can really work with.

My personal favorite is a slightly scuffed cover Sonic X drilled for early roll, to give me a very smooth controlled move off the dry. But that's my choice. I also use a rico drilled Scout, that works well.

I have seen great things from Slate Blue Gargoyle, when you know how to use it.

How about a pin down, Rico drilled, NightHawk Pearl? Just my 2 cents.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug some days you're the windshield.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: sbarker on July 18, 2008, 11:08:00 AM

I had the same issue.  Power Grooves and Tornado's I couldn't keep on the lane.  Lanes were that dry.  My solution was a Groove Urethane.  Handles the dry lanes like there is oil.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: neb5482 on July 18, 2008, 11:16:43 AM
Hammer has the Razyr coming out soon, this should be a great dry lane ball. Also the Avalanche Pearl and Cherry Vibe may fit the bill for you.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: charlest on July 18, 2008, 11:26:41 AM

What I am looking for is something that is going to be smooth on dry backend, toasted up lanes. I really don't care about brand.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

You can try the Neptune. A long, low pin will do the same, except the Neptune needs more dry to make the turn than the Jolt Pearl.

That Slate Blue Gargoyle is very smooth, being a pearl urethane. It is earlier than many dry lanes resin balls, but doesn't hook too much after the breakpoint. It has a real, dynamic core so a mild drilling is probably also called for. In this case, a high pin will not affect it as much BECAUSE it is a pearl urethane.

I also like the Blue Green Centaur a LOT. Hooks like a urethane, hits like a resin.

Good luck.
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Edited on 7/18/2008 8:03 PM
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: NY Mike on July 18, 2008, 04:04:01 PM
I was giving the same suggestion as K-Dawg had previously mentioned, Cherry Vibe.  Very happy with the Cherry Vibe but it was still too much ball for the lane conditions I was facing.

 Recently bought the Valentino's Resurrection / Snake Oil.  The snake oil is a polish that tamed the backends but stillstayed strong on the enough back end to carry the rack.  Check the coverstock section for some of the topics listed as Valentino's. Starter kit is approx $20 shipped, Kevin @ Valentino' was great to deal.  I have no connection to Valentino's, just a very satisfied customer.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: charlest on July 18, 2008, 04:12:05 PM
Something with medium rg and medium diff with a very mild solid coverstock. Is such a thing available?

Not that I know of.


 Maybe an orbit extreme?

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

If a Jolt Pearl is too much, then an Orbit Extreme is certainly too much.
RG - 2.49 - NOT for truly dry. The solid is a good control ball, for medium-light to medium oil.
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Edited on 7/18/2008 8:04 PM
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Hellbound on July 18, 2008, 04:37:00 PM
LaneMasters Hornet..drilled mine for length...doesn't over react and carry is superb.
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.......
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: slashrr69 on July 18, 2008, 05:34:22 PM
try a light load particle ball.. I drilled up a ebonite big time ball for exactly the same thing you are talking about.. put the pin above my ring finger(alittle to the right)and kicked the cg into my palm,(no weight hole) in the middle of both fingers.. I changed the surface to a 1000 abby pad.. the ball reads the fronts nicely and doesn't over react to the dry backends.. so you have an idea of the way I throw the ball I'm not a tweener but I'm not a cranker either(in between them).. something worth thinking about, give it a try..            slashrr69
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Monster Pike on July 18, 2008, 05:53:14 PM
Maybe a viz-a-ball of your favorite cartoon character or pro team.  Drill it strong so it has some finish.  If its too long then dull it up w/some sand paper & then re-polish it if you have to.
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield

Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: charlest on July 18, 2008, 06:33:51 PM
Ok. I'm bowling on older synthetics, and as of late the lanes have just had screaming backends. Fairly playable when fresh, but when they start getting blown open, this starts presenting trouble for me. I purchased last year a jolt pearl for dryer conditions. But this ball is way too skid flippy, even after I dulled the surface. The pin is already under bridge, so I'm not sure if redrilling will help.


 You may need one or two mods to the JP.
1. Smooth it to 4000 grit Abralon via 1000, 2000 and 4000 grit Abralon pads.
2. Redrill it with a 5" - 5.5" pin to PAP, with the pin UNDER the level of the bridge area, possibly under the middle finger.
I suggest trying the surface mod first. Then the redrilling, if the surface mod does not work fully or enough.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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Edited on 7/18/2008 8:05 PM
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: srlunatic on July 18, 2008, 06:44:39 PM

For exactly the same conditions you have described I use...

a 14lb Columbia Scout Hi-Flare...(1 pound lighter than normal)

Drilled Pin over Bridge with the slight CG kick...

It has served me very well to include shooting 300 with it in Albuquerque in 2006 at the State Tourney.  It is a steal at 45 bucks or so and would fit in there perfectly ...

My 2 cents...
“Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a b@$tard from Hollywood to Las Vegas ... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.”

Edited on 7/18/2008 6:46 PM
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Maine Man on July 18, 2008, 08:15:21 PM
Lane #1 Starburst XXXL. You can never go wrong with plastic, and this has a good core and will hit hard.
"I'd rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job."
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: scadreau on July 18, 2008, 11:32:51 PM
I have a weak drilled Emerald Vibe that I love for dry lanes.  The Razyr should also work well but I haven't drilled one yet.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: SVstar34 on July 18, 2008, 11:52:54 PM
Razyr is going to be one of the best dry lane balls. You could go with a scout, which was previously mentioned in this post, but the Razyr has no buisness of being in the same category as the Scout.

Hammer classifies the Razyr as Maximum Length and Moderate Backend movement for dry-lanes.

check out some of these videos:



Jeff Ussery on Hammer website-

My Arsenal:
Twisted Fury
Raw Hammer Pain
Blue Vibe

Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: strikestriketapped on July 19, 2008, 12:26:51 AM
Avalanche Pearl at 4000 abralon + Secret Sauce = maximum length, control, and minimum hook.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Xfest on July 19, 2008, 12:30:19 AM
Black Tornado Sparkle by Ebonite!!!
Stand left, throw it right, and strap it like a trojan!!
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: directdrill on July 19, 2008, 08:29:57 AM
I have the Avalanche Solid, pin over middle finger (~5-1/2" from axis) with the CG under the ring, no weight hole and box finish.  This ball gets a lot of length and a very rolly, controllable backend.  I can use this more up the boards on a fresh shot, and move inside a bit once the heads start to dry up a bit.  I've considered knocking the shine off the ball and leaving it at 2000 Abralon to give it a slightly earlier read.  For the price, you can't go wrong, and with PK18 coverstock, longevity won't be an issue.
Hook 'em Horns!

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Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: chadw1974 on July 19, 2008, 09:20:11 AM
The ball I'm having the best success with on drier lanes is my Resurgence. For me this ball has never had a huge backend move, which makes it very controlable. I've never seen anyone else use the ball so I don't know if it's just mine or if all are the same.
Anyway, my bowling style is a stroker. I like to play around the 2nd arrow. My ball has 2-1/4" pin length & is drilled with the pin over my ring finger. I also added polish to the ball. That seemed to bring it to life on the dry stuff.
I've also got a Twisted Fury & it acts like it might be useable on drier lane conditions but I can't say for sure. I've only had it a couple weeks but it also doesn't have a huge backend move. My only gripe with the ball is it hits like a bug on a windshield, in comparison to my other stuff.
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: Djarum on July 20, 2008, 08:49:52 PM
Ok. I'm bowling on older synthetics, and as of late the lanes have just had screaming backends. Fairly playable when fresh, but when they start getting blown open, this starts presenting trouble for me. I purchased last year a jolt pearl for dryer conditions. But this ball is way too skid flippy, even after I dulled the surface. The pin is already under bridge, so I'm not sure if redrilling will help.


 You may need one or two mods to the JP.
1. Smooth it to 4000 grit Abralon via 1000, 2000 and 4000 grit Abralon pads.
2. Redrill it with a 5" - 5.5" pin to PAP, with the pin UNDER the level of the bridge area, possibly under the middle finger.
I suggest trying the surface mod first. Then the redrilling, if the surface mod does not work fully or enough.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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Edited on 7/18/2008 8:05 PM


It already is drilled pin under, right between my fingers.

I've played with the surface some. I took it down to 800 no polish, and it tamed down the backend, but not much. Then I tried polishing it to 2000 with polish, and as soon as it hit the dry, it creates huge uncontrolable angle and is horribly over under when the lanes break down. I think its a good ball, on the right condition. Did well on the viper pattern with it. I have yet to take it to 4000.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: charlest on July 21, 2008, 06:36:52 PM
Ok. I'm bowling on older synthetics, and as of late the lanes have just had screaming backends. Fairly playable when fresh, but when they start getting blown open, this starts presenting trouble for me. I purchased last year a jolt pearl for dryer conditions. But this ball is way too skid flippy, even after I dulled the surface. The pin is already under bridge, so I'm not sure if redrilling will help.


 You may need one or two mods to the JP.
1. Smooth it to 4000 grit Abralon via 1000, 2000 and 4000 grit Abralon pads.
2. Redrill it with a 5" - 5.5" pin to PAP, with the pin UNDER the level of the bridge area, possibly under the middle finger.
I suggest trying the surface mod first. Then the redrilling, if the surface mod does not work fully or enough.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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It already is drilled pin under, right between my fingers.

I've played with the surface some. I took it down to 800 no polish, and it tamed down the backend, but not much. Then I tried polishing it to 2000 with polish, and as soon as it hit the dry, it creates huge uncontrolable angle and is horribly over under when the lanes break down. I think its a good ball, on the right condition. Did well on the viper pattern with it. I have yet to take it to 4000.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

If you've already taken it to 800 grit, I doubt if 4000 grit will help. 4000 will allow it to go longer, but reduce the backend a bit. 800 will have allowed it to burn up in the midlane as much as possible, IF you still had enough energy left ot hit.

At this point, I'd try a really mild backend ball, like the Blue/Green Centaur.
It comes 1000 grit matter (which is really 2000 grit Abralon) and is very smooth - virtually a urethane reaciton with resin hit (I remain astounded at its hitting power.). You can take the surface to 4000 grit for more length, but I suspect that would not be necessary. BTM listed its backend as 11.5, which I think is the smallest number there is a Looooong time.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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Edited on 7/21/2008 6:38 PM
Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: 230-n-up-or-bust on July 21, 2008, 06:38:32 PM
The ball I'm having the best success with on drier lanes is my Resurgence.

I'd hate to see that house when they're flooded!
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Title: Re: Looking for a smooth ball for drier lanes
Post by: chadw1974 on July 21, 2008, 08:12:17 PM
Well I don't know what to tell you as far as the lanes being dry, because they rarely have any on them. Thru this summer league I'm in, it's the only ball I can use because it doesn't jump dead left when it hits the dry. Maybe the Resurgence I got was a dud as far as hook potential but I'm not complaining because it's the best ball I've got. My Resurgence turns a nice smooth arc from start to finish. It's the weakest of all the balls I have as far as hook potential & it's because it doesn't have a hard backend move. My Momentum I have, was supposed to be weaker than the Resurgence but for me it's about 10-15 boards stronger.
Like I said, I haven't seen anyone else throw this ball so I don't know if all are like mine or if mine is 1 that fell thru the cracks. Either way it doesn't matter because I still like the ball.