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Author Topic: Looking for software to run brackets in 6 game sweepers  (Read 555 times)


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Looking for software to run brackets in 6 game sweepers
« on: March 16, 2012, 02:12:49 AM »
Hello all,
I am looking for some software to help my center to be able to run more cash brackets when we run our 6 games sweepers and might even do 8 game sweepers. I know if you just google it, a bunch of different program come up but from the ones I tried there demo and it is way to complex. I want the software to be able to put the bowlers name in, his handicap, how many bracket handicap, how many brackets scratch, high game scratch, high game handicap and be able to devide the brackets for the first 3 and last 3 games or all six and total brackets for the whole 6/8 sweeper. can anybody help me with this....maybe a name of the program, or a the company that makes it. I really hope somebody can help me out.
Thank you
Shannon Williams