And last night was one of them. I’ve been bowling fairly well for the past two months. My timing has been good and everything seemed to be working. Then the “holidays†came! It completely disrupted my rhythm. I noticed it the other day when I was practicing. I thought it was something I could work through and didn’t give it much thought.
Well last night I couldn’t do anything right. I missed several seven pins after what I thought was a pretty good first ball. I shot a dismal 172 the first game! I then followed that up with a 183. My last game I was working on a Dutch 200. I told my team I didn’t care about getting it and that I only wanted for us to win the game. Well to my surprise I got it anyway. This was my first official Dutch and the team ragged on me some. So I finished the night with a low (for me) 555 series.
Good thing that our team locked up the first half last week so the pressure wasn’t there on the final night to have to win. We did manage 3 of the 4 points so all wasn’t lost.
Sometimes I hate the holidays.
Okay, I’m done whining now. I feel better.
I threw that like a league bowler...wait I am a league bowler.