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Author Topic: Comparison-Thoughts  (Read 1506 times)


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« on: January 30, 2004, 01:34:16 AM »
Hi all,
As some of you may know, I've been acquiring different balls from different manufacters to "see what they're like"....kind of like a trial run period, or, an experimental phase if you will.

I started the year with all Roto stuff, but suddenly got concerned that I was pigeon-holing myself into one manufacturer before knowing a little bit more about what's out there.  After coming back since 1991 to the game, I had only thrown a few pieces of modern equipment, a few Storm and an Roto Grip.

This comes at an interesting time as well, because in the last 3 months, I've changed my span and pitches, and have been taking lessons and totally changed my game.  

Enough blab, here's the breakdown.  Since I see, in general, more medium to medium heavy conditions, I've focused on medium condition balls (makes sense for a dummy doesn't it? )  I've wanted to try a few companies , and have,...MoRich, Lane 1,  and Dynothane.  It doesn't sound like much, but these are the other companies I have interest in,....notice.....smaller companies. I was going to throw Brunswick, Ebonite and Columbia in there as well, but the BIG company 'release a ton of stuff' thing does not appeal to me whatsoever.
Caveat: This does NOT mean thier equipment isn't good or may or may not match up with me!

I don't have the time or financial resources to try ALL the different companies so after some thought, I've broken it down to the companies that intrique me most.

I will be comparing the following:
Roto-Fuel and Pure Fuel
Lane 1-Pro Purple and Silver Diamond

All different companies, all different balls, all in the medium category ...
Here's what I want to accomplish.  I want to see if other companies equipment fit my game better than Roto Grip since I have come to be very fond of their stuff.  The goal would be to compare and contrast each ball and see if something really stands out from another company......

A lot of you will probably say that staying with one company is foolish. That's fine, I understand that opinion and it can be argued both ways.  I personally feel that it's better to stick with one company in an effort to better coordinate an arsenal.  I feel it's easier to stick w/ one company for 'complementary' reasons.  So.....the test will happen sometime in the next week, I'll update as soon as I can.

Anyone have any other thoughts on how to do this better,...ideas, ...what have you?  In other words, is there a better way ??

Rebuilding Rome one 570 series at a time !!



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Re: Comparison-Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2004, 04:38:40 PM »
Im not totally sure but if you have any balls you dont throw thats just taking up space, you can send'em this way haha no but seriously for Lane #1, the Golden Nugget is sposed to be medium-heavy
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess


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Re: Comparison-Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2004, 05:07:14 PM »
Jeffrevs -- Don't rule out AZO, I would suggest the Reactive Resin Fantasy X.  --  JohnP


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Re: Comparison-Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2004, 06:18:47 PM »

Nice idea;  I do similar types of comparisons. They are or can be very worthwhile. My only concern is with the balls you are using. For the most part, they are not only very different from one another, and some may not be representative of their companies.

1. The Pure Fuel and the Hercules are the only comparable balls I see; that is, they can handle the same amount of oil and can have similar ball paths.

2. The Pro Purple and the Silver Diamond are almost the anti-thesis of your typical Lane#1 ball. (In my opinion,) no other L#1 ball is as smooth, as even as the PP; no other L#1 ball is as flippy as the SD, when these are in their box surface condition.

Good thing: the Pure Fuel, Hercules, Pro Purple and Element may be able to be used on the same oil amount (if not the same pattern), but that is my value judgement.
I suspect (I've never used one) that the Fuel requires more oil than any of the others unless you modify the surface of the Hercules and the Element.

The SD requires less oil than all the others (in my opinion, unless it is sanded.)

So, just be careful on what oil pattern you test them.

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Re: Comparison-Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2004, 06:26:01 PM »
Jeff, I know you have said that you are taking lessons at this time and have made a number of changes in your approach and release.  Just a suggestion but once you feel like you are consistent with your new game I would start with your old equipment in the study as you will probably get a different reaction being your style has changed.  Will be looking forward to your results.


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Re: Comparison-Thoughts
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2004, 09:46:49 PM »
thanks guys !!
Sawbones....They are all used balls, me, I'm not spending a fortune doing this......  I understand your post, but, there is SOOOO much knowledge here, that I can't overlook others opinions!

charlest, I'm glad you responded,...I expected you to chime , or should I say HOOT !  Oddly enough, I've had the PP, SD, Pure Fuel and Hercules at practice before shadow balls on my mens league shot,....different lines to the pocket, but all got there!  So I know by this, they are similar...yes, different lines, but I got there NO problem, and without being uncomfortable with my line.

I know the Element will fit nicely there too.......and, my Fuel is very very long as their is fresh up front,....a medium shot can accomodate this beauty.  Right now, she's at 800 wet, and now has a sheen from a few games on her.....

Yes, I know the Lane1 balls that I have are very different, but I can hit the pocket on my mens league shot with a 5 board swing and still be comfortable.

Dont' get me wrong, I'll keep you advice in mind though...I ALWAYS do !

Dale, that's great advice as well........I'll keep everyone posted!
Rebuilding Rome one 570 series at a time !!