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Author Topic: lost interest.  (Read 3483 times)


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lost interest.
« on: January 23, 2018, 02:21:30 PM »
I never thought I'd actually feel this way, but I'm no longer excited to head out and bowl. It's more to pass the time I guess. I bowl every other night for second shift and I'd rather be home and have the kid(s) with me more often. My other league is fun, but I don't care if I shoot 550 or 750.

I don't even watch bowling anymore since late last year. I used to watch old and current matches on youtube. Few weeks ago, I "unsubscribed" to all but one bowling related channels.

I returned to golf late last year, revamped my equipment, and I'd rather be golfing than bowling. I started loosing interest after reaching a goal I had set over the summer league. Which I had help with on the "easier" conditions at this one house I no longer bowl, unless I sub. It wasn't golf that helped lean my away from bowling, but just how bowling is now. It's just not exciting to me. Golf did have some influences, but I felt this way a month after leagues started. I had regrets.

Then there's this, seeing guys with lesser skill actually shoot really high scores. It used to not bother me, but it got me thinking and noticing many bowlers have their chest out like they can actually bowl. Same folks who refuse to bowl on harder conditions. Same folks who complain if it's too long or too short. Same folks who bitch and whine when they miss the 10 pin, but only bowl 3 games a week. It's a bit annoying.

I'm not burnt out and I will continue to bowl next season. Next season it'll be just one family league just to be with friends. But, it'll be a long while till I buy my next NIB - I'm good for the next 3 to 5 years, or longer.
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aka addik since 2003



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Re: lost interest.
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2018, 04:34:59 PM »
Same exact thing happened to me a few years ago. The backstory, I was all bowling since I was 2 years old. Loved watching bowling (old ABC telecasts on Saturdays especially), bowled multiple leagues per year, and bowled in college. I never even touched a golf club during my four years at college, because all I wanted to do was bowl. I golfed in HS, mainly for fun, I was decent, maybe an 8-10 hdcp, but never really applied myself to get better.

Then I moved from MI to DC, and I remember one March day, it was our first really nice day of spring (70 and sunny). I hadn't played in about 4 years, and saw my dusty clubs in the corner. On a whim, I said to myself, "I'm going to go golfing today!", thinking it would be a one-off. I went out to a local muni and shot 77, completely changed my outlook. I said, "You can go out after not playing for 4 years and shoot +5, why don't you actually get some clubs that fit you and take a lesson or two?" I got fitted, dropped about $1K on new sticks, and took a lesson. From that point on, golf was my obsession, not bowling. 5 years later, I'm a +1 and bowling is more or less for fun. I play in state amateur qualifiers and tournaments, and I love every minute of it.

While I was golfing obsessed, I actually completely quit bowling for 3 years. I didn't even watch it on TV. I just came back this year and joined two leagues, one house and one sport/PBA. I am bowling great, thinking less, and having fun again. I am not over thinking, trying to be perfect, or ruining my day if I bowl bad. I still get upset from time to time, yes, but that's just me being competitive. But I think my new refreshed attitude has helped me enjoy bowling more, and also bowl better because I am in a better place mentally. My thought process is that I'm just going to have a few beers with friends and bowl a few games. I don't really bowl tournaments anymore, as they conflict with golf on the weekends.

My advice to you, take some time off. Maybe it's 6 months, maybe 3 years. You will know when it is time because you will start thinking about it and getting that urge to bowl again. Focus on golf for a while, it's an awesome game that provides many of the same benefits bowling gives, all while being outside and getting exercise. I've met so many great people golfing, the same that applies to bowling. Some do both. These are two sports which work excellent together, both in seasonality and technique (mental and physical). In fact, often times I will do both in the same day when I can swing it. I'll golf in a the AM and bowl league at night.     


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Re: lost interest.
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2018, 10:16:25 PM »
I’ll finish this season, then spend more time with my pre schooler who always asks me to take her to the range. Work on my golf game and physical health. I’m still planning to bowl this fall, but not my second shift league.

Thanks for sharing everyone...
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


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Re: lost interest.
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2018, 07:15:02 AM »
Took 20+ years off, same story as you, bowled FOREVER.  Moved to a new state, wanted to see what was in the city that wasn't in a bowling alley.  Fell in love with golf and left bowling behind.  Two decades later, time for golf is slim, family, athletic little girls, wife and the only time I could carve out was Sunday nights.  So, back on the "wooden" dance floor, rolling the rock, bowling great and turning heads.  The question of where are you from, where have you been bowling stuns everyone and it's funny. You know how to do something, you leave it alone, you hit reset and come back and totally enjoy being competitive and being the unknown.  Even 'teaching' my little ladies about bowling and they know about golf, so looking forward to the 9 & 10th frames of my life and the back nine with my ladies.
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