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Author Topic: What's the rules on scoring if someone leaves in the middle of a game  (Read 14786 times)


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How do you calculate the score if say someone leaves in the middle of a game for whatever reason and isn't coming back for that game? So if the person had 85 with a 9/ in the 5th frame, what would the score be for the whole game?



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Re: What's the rules on scoring if someone leaves in the middle of a game
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2008, 11:19:18 PM »
It depends on the reason for leaving.  If there is a reason, emergency or injury then


108a. With Cause

When a player is unable to complete a game because of disability, injury or emergency, and another eligible player is not available, the team shall count the actual score for the frames bowled plus one-tenth of the league’s absentee score for each frame missed. (See Rule 118a for average information.)

NOTE:  For computing score: Take actual score for frames bowled; credit 10 pins for a strike or spare in last frame bowled. Add 1/10 of league’s absentee score for each of the remaining frames. For example, if absentee score is bowler’s average less 10: Absentee score, 145; 1/10 of 145 = 14.5 X 3 frames = 43.5. Drop fraction and add 43 to actual score for 7 frames bowled. The fraction is dropped after the total amount is figured, and not from each frame.

They would have 95 in the 5th plus 5 X 1/10 of the absentee score.

If there is no reason, then

108b. Without Cause

When a player does not complete a game for reasons other than disability, injury or emergency, the player’s team shall count zero for each remaining frame in the game. (See Rule 118a for average information.)

If there is any doubt of a player’s reason for not being able to continue a game, the league’s board of directors shall decide. A player who leaves a game without cause cannot return to bowl in the same game.

They would get 95 total.

USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

Edited on 4/26/2008 11:22 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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