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Author Topic: What's killing bowling?  (Read 11240 times)


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What's killing bowling?
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:00:42 PM »
I've seen time and again where this question is asked! There have been a lot of good answers .. also a lot of suggestion to fix it .. but always pointing to someone else that can fix it.
There is one reason for the death of bowling that everyone seems to ignore. I'd like to point it out as I did when it first started.
Ebonite fixing the prices on bowling balls!
Don't you think that this is putting a damper on the growth of bowling? It may have saved some B/M shops but if it turns off bowlers .. who are these shops going to sell too? It's not bad enough that we have few NEW bowlers we are losing League bowlers by the truck load.
Maybe it can't be tied directly to the Ebonite policy but I look at the prices of the balls coming out of the Ebonite family and it's hard to believe. Prices that once were considered REDICULOUS from Lane 1 are totally accepted now!
This is just my 2 cents!
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #46 on: November 28, 2012, 11:37:09 AM »
All these posts do make sense.  It is like the perfect storm. Economy, other interests and just people getting bored or dis interested all have effects on the size of leagues.

My biggest gripe is that using my home house as an example.  The center just has seemed to go down hill maintenance and appearance wise over the years.  The computer system is literally from the 1980's, the carpet is worn out and dirty and just some other things that bother me about it.

But I can't really blame the owner because his answer is that he doesn't have the money to upgrade things because they are not bringing in new bowlers (open or league).  So what can you do.

That is a big problem.  The cost of capital improvements in the bowling business is staggering.  And a new computer system means nothing to the average bowler.  And trust me the products made now do not last long or run as strong I should say.  We had the old AMF Accuscore and it ran excellent for almost 20 years.  Granted it was very basic when it comes to automatic scoring.  We now have the Brunswick Vector Plus with touchscreens in the setee area.  This system while ease of function is great, the product just doesn't last and the cost of repair is ridiculous.

Most bowling centers aren't "raking" in the dough contrary to popular belief. 


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2012, 11:50:41 AM »
That is true.  In this day and age you just have to be happy to still have bowling centers in your area.

Has anyone actually sent out a "scientific" survey asking bowlers why they quit bowling leagues?  I guess the USBC could do it based on sanctioning statistics.  That would be interesting to see.

Using me as an example, I used to bowl 3 nights a week.  I now just sub in a house league and bowl in a PBA league (both on the same night).  My reason was because I had 2 surgeries on my wrist.  Getting frustrated with all the high scores didn't hurt either but it is mostly a physical reason.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 11:53:48 AM by TheGame300 »


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2012, 11:51:17 AM »
Joe, out of curiosity:

1. What was the price of the Lane #1 ball you bought compared to the retail price? 
2.  Did you think, at the time, you received a good deal on the ball? 
3.  Did you buy the ball online or in a pro shop?

I only ask to try and get an understanding of where you are coming from.  My perception is you feel the price of bowling "equipment" is a major contributor in the killing of bowling.  And based on this, you are using Ebonite's bowling ball pricing as the main contributor.  And maybe you agree with others in that bowling is dying because of the cost to bowl.  I am sure many others feel the same way.  You personally feel it is the equipment, while others may feel it is lineage and yet others may feel it is time. 

If I may, I have a couple final questions:

1.  If cost of equipment is your reason for bowling dying, what do you think is an appropriate cost for a bowling ball?  You can be completely selfish here and use any ball and cost you want.
2.  Before online shops existed, did you feel like the local pro-shop was being unfair in the price you were being charged?
3.  What is the #1 criteria you have when deciding which ball you choose?


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2012, 12:03:23 PM »
   You can take your sarcasm and stick it where the sun don't shine.
I may have been harsh in my reply, bu that is only because you trot out this subject every 3-4 months. And everytime you do, you get told the same things over and over. All Ebonite did was take away those internet stores that would sell bowling balls for an ungodly cheap price at the expense of the brick and mortar Pro Shops and even other internet sites that tried to sell balls at a reasonable rate. These sites were a dime a dozen and not true customers to the ball companies. In other words, they were bad for the business as a whole. Ebonite did the right thing, and, as it has been pointed out to you time and time again, did nothing that doesn't happen in other retail industries. So please tell me why we have to see this from over and over again. You like super cheap bowling balls, we get it. You are too cheap to buy what are still cheap prices on the internet now that will allow true competition between brick and mortar sellers and every internet site, we get it. But you are the very small minority. You want to know what is killing bowling, people like you that think they should get something for next to nothing instead of paying a fair price.


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2012, 12:03:46 PM »
Attached list of balls I now have available. 90% were bought on-line. Purchased maybe 3 balls since Ebonite change.

Never made attachment here before .. probable will mess it up!
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #51 on: November 28, 2012, 01:03:14 PM »
Jesus.  Who cares about this crap?  Bowlers whine about more stuff than in any other sport.  Who the hell plays hardball or softball in league with hopes of getting rich?  Do golfers bitch as much about $300 drivers as much as bowlers bitch about $175 dollar balls?  How about those $350 bats, Joe?

People who bitch about USBC are the ones that can't even be bothered to go to their annual league meeting before the start of the season.  They just sit back and let everybody else setup everything up so they can come in, shoe up, bowl, bitch about there's too much oil or too lttle oil without once trying different hand position or spot on the lane, then leave.  They bitch about getting jobbed for $19 every year, they piss that away every month on lottery tickets that don't return a dime.

There's more than enough tournaments one can compete in if one is looking to make money.  There's more than enough leagues to find one that will suit what you're looking for.  If you don't like the way bowling is going, volunteer to coach or help coach the high school team or other youth bowlers.  Show them the right way to do it, tell them what bowling used to be and should be about. 

Do anything you want but for crying out loud, stop bitching about it!   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #52 on: November 28, 2012, 01:34:55 PM »


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #53 on: November 28, 2012, 03:37:30 PM »
Gentlemen,  please take it easy on Joe...Yes it's true that Joe may be a little bit
old school...But one must see his point...

For years Dist. had their fronts...Their online dealers...And they footballed
bowling balls to the public { people like Joe } at Pro shop cost...

Now most people who bought or buy online, do not believe they are buying the ball for the same price a Pro Shop pays...

They think if they are buying a new HP ball for $130, a Pro Shop is probably
paying $80....And selling the ball for $200...But it just AIN'T so...

So when Ebonite and Storm set their prices for their balls...Forcing online
shops  { DIST. } to sell balls for about $20 more to the public...People like Joe
felt screwed...

Now someone said people like Joe are bad for bowling...I disagree...

Hard core bowlers like Joe were the ones who made bowling a great game...

What my friend Joe forgets is that for many years He like all bowlers
bought their balls in Pro Shops...Or at K-Mart...At full price...

And it wasn't until dirty dist.  known as the dirty 6 actually 7, started their online FRONTS,  and started selling to the public at the same price as they sold to their Pro Shops..

And after about 12-14 years buying at these low footballed prices...People
like Joe now feel cheated...

And this is the reason Joe is so anti Ebonite...

Don't blame people like Joe...

Blame the Dirty 6 actually 7 dist. that started footballing the price of
bowling balls...They are the ones who created this pricing mess...

Companies like Ebonite and Storm are trying to stop this and return
bowling back to a profitable business...


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #54 on: November 29, 2012, 02:00:34 PM »
What is killing bowling...

Number 1 answer - The economy....

People are having trouble finding and keeping jobs and also working odd shifts.  Those of you who think bowling is a cheap sport are mistaken.... People started counting how much money they are spending and how much money they are getting back and they aren't making a profit... People are paying $16 for 32 weeks and payout isn't even close to what you are putting into the league... You have to place 1 - 3 to make a profit and when crossover doubles and etc.....

Uncle Meat PT 2

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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #55 on: November 29, 2012, 08:21:54 PM »
You can blame a lot of things;the cost of equipment, public apathy towards bowling,the choices of entertainment,the usbc,etc, but currently I personally think it is the economy,because it has effected me to where I used to bowl two nights a week,and sub a third,to where I don't bowl no more. Have had to switch careers and currently working the night shift,with no possible chance to day shift anytime soon. Things are getting better now,but I don't see my self bowling soon,at least till May when we do our state tournament.
Uncle Meat says: Maka da way fo da Iron Schaischige (spoken in fluent Jersey Italian)

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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2012, 08:20:49 AM »

This is a blog post about the AMF bankruptcy.  There are some good points about the blue collar worker and how that correlates to league bowling.  Reading some of the other posts about work shifts, economy, etc. it all goes hand in hand


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Re: What's killing bowling?
« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2012, 10:43:10 AM »
Granted im sure this has been said in the 4 pages prior to this

Bowling balls - $100-200 bucks.  Most people have 2-3
Shoes- $60-200 bucks
Bag -$ 100 bucks

I bowl in one league it costs 26 dollars for team, and 10 bucks for optional singles & doubles league.  10 dollars for pots, eliminator, 6 dollars for a card game.  So 52 bucks a week (occasional beer & food extra)  Youre looking at over 1800 bucks gone just for bowling in one 36 week league.  Not counting gas money or anything else. 

Of course you're going to get some of that back, but every year lineage fees go up, and people vote against paying more each week since it is already so expensive.
Those who can't bowl, bowl with two hands.