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Author Topic: Bad habits?  (Read 804 times)


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Bad habits?
« on: December 09, 2008, 02:08:13 AM »
What is it about taking time off bowling then coming back and shooting good?  It had been about 3 months since I picked up a bowling ball.  I decided to go practice this last Sunday.  First game I shoot 255.  I didn't stretch good enough and my knee was bothering me a little the second game but I still shoot 215.  Third game I move a couple boards to play a different line and shoot 236.  If it wasn't for carry on a few of those shots, that 236 game could have been 279.  I move back to my previous mark, move up 4" and shoot 266.  Last game I leave a few 10 pins and miss them, knee is bothering me again but still shoot 215.
What is it about taking time off bowling, then start up again and shoot great that first time or couple times back?  Then after that, seems like you struggle just to shoot average.  Do we revert back to some bad habits we had?  Do we just not try as hard?  Are we less accurate but since lane conditions are more forgiving, we miss just enough to carry the strike?


Kid Jete

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Re: Bad habits?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 10:25:31 AM »
It was practice?  Kinda like prebowling.  No one to screw up your line or break the oil down.  No wait inbetween shots.  Not that you wouldn't have bowled well if it was league but practicing, especially on a fresh shot will always have inflated scores.

With that said I am the opposite.  Every year when league starts back up I am absolutely horrible for the first month.  Granted I don't bowl summer leagues and never get to the alley to practice so it's not exactly surprising.

Anyway that's my two cents.

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Re: Bad habits?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 11:12:20 AM »
"Practice? Practice? I'm talking about the game, not practice!"

Actually, after a layoff we are probably concentrating a little better about our body mechanics and so we tend to throw with better form. After a while we assume that all that stuff is "grooved in", even if it isn't, and we may get a little sloppy.

Also, we tend to bowl on VERY FORGIVING conditions that don't require precise shotmaking very often. In my opinion it's more of an issue of relaxing too much on the mental side of the game. If one can get adequate practice AND stay sharp mentally for every frame, I'd have to believe that good scores are likely to follow.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

Edited on 12/9/2008 12:12 PM


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Re: Bad habits?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2008, 02:48:41 PM »
i guess you could consider it like proof reading.  you write a paper or an article, the best time to proof read it yourself is after you put it down for a while.  you come back to it with a clear mind, and errors that you wouldnt have seen before are easier to spot.  i know for me bad habits are sometimes not so easy to spot, and even those that i do catch are stubborn to correct.
case in point i took a month off this summer since i couldnt get to the bowling alley without a boat.  to that point my timing was bad.  first time back i shoot something like 900 for 4 games after averaging about 175 pre flood.  my timing was solid again, release timing was good as well.  i had a clear mind again because i got away from bowling a while.  those habits were easier to correct.


currently 217 on monday 211 on tuesday
main arsenal now:
cell pearl
vapor zone
el nino 2000
green gargoyle
blue dot
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