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Author Topic: Low life Team members  (Read 1189 times)

The Hose

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Low life Team members
« on: July 14, 2004, 08:25:50 AM »
I just found out about something that some guys that I bowled with did to me last year that is about the lowest life thing they could have done.

Before the league started, a few of them talked like they could get some sponsor money for our team....non were able to come up with a dime.

I asked a favor of a friend of mine who is the CEO of a large company to sponsor us.  Not only did he give us two shirts each, he gave us 1,000 bucks.

I wasn't at the payoff meeting and this was my first year to bowl in that league.  The league gives the Team Champions sponsor money so the team could buy a Champion trophy or something nice for the sponsor.  It came to about 150.00.  

I asked to guy who was to pick up my winning to mention to the team about pitching in so we could buy our sponsor something nice for his help.

Nothing was ever said about it so I took it upon myself to buy the sponsor a nice sweater vest because he is a golfer.

Today I was talking to someone on another team that was at the meeting when the money was handed out.  He told me that my teammates decided to split the sponsor money between them instead of giving it back to our sponsor and not tell me about it.

How low can you get?  Needless to say, I'll never bowl with those guys again nor care to even be friends with jerks like that.  It's just another example of some of the low life, back stabbing people who bowl.
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose



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Re: Low life Team members
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2004, 12:27:18 AM »
I now better understand your post on Allbowling.  With friends like that, who needs enemies?  You wouldn't think you'd have to do a lot of research before signing up to bowl a league, but...  They are scum that happen to bowl.  They are not representative of the bowling community.  Too many people are looking for #1, no matter who they have to s**t on.  People like that always (eventually) get what's coming to them.  Hopefully you can be there to watch.  
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Re: Low life Team members
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2004, 02:20:43 AM »

 You would think that there are some legal possibilities to prevent this from happening or some actions that could be taken after the fact.

 I suppose it depends on how far you wanted to go.

 The nice thing is that you don't have to worry about losing them as friends.

It is said that the meek shall inherit the Earth but they had better wait until the Violent have tamed it.


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Re: Low life Team members
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2004, 10:04:47 AM »
Jeff, couldn't they set up this meeting and you attend via speakerphone or something? I'm not sure if they'd accept your presence that way or not but it might be worth checking out.
 As to low-life teammates, how bout this: I was bowling on a team with a bunch of guys I liked, and we were doing very well. So well, in fact we wound up league champs. So, summer comes and goes and it's time to start up league again, and I report there on opening night, and then the team captain informs me that I'm not on the team anymore. No explanation, except that he said the team took a vote and decided they didn't want me anymore. Now, I was a little bit upset(and a lot hurt) by this. I mean, you don't want me? Fine. I can live with that. But not to tell me until the first night of the following season? That's low, and very nasty(IMO). He's still on my short list of people I don't like(or trust), and this was either 1988 or 1989 when this happened.
