There are many choices these days, but I would recommend not jumping too much at one time. The Stinger 2 that you speak of was a mid level ball (in its day), and I think I would stay with mid level stuff, especially if the old Stinger is still somewhat working.
Keeping the game simpler can also make it more fun, so I don't suggest any LARGE change. That being said, a ball or two do come to mind.
One of them is the HAMMER ONYX VIBE. It has a core construction SIMILAR to the old Stinger, but has a more modern cover on it that should allow it to be versatile enough to fit your game, depending on the amount of oil your house puts out. Another one is the Global 900 LUNATIC. Again, a ball with normal two piece construction and a pretty good cover on it.
The truth is, there are MANY balls out there that would fill your needs, made by practically every maker from A.M.F. to Visionary.
If you could give us a little to go on, like manufacturer preference, performance level, or even just a color you like, I'm sure there is SOMEBODY here who can help you once they have more info.
Good transactions list in my profile
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein