Has anyone used their own reactive equipment at one of those bowling places like Lucky Strike Lanes?
I have a company work party in a couple of weeks at a place called Strike Orange County, and it looks to be one of those places like Lucky Strike Lanes where it's all neon bowling, no leagues, and basically a place to just have fun and not take anything seriously.
OK OK, I know the whole point of something like that is just to have fun. The thing is that if I decide to bowl, I still don't want to struggle out there and look like a rookie. hehe
Since 99.9% of the bowlers who bowl at places like that use the house-provided plastic balls and shoes, I was unsure if I can count on any type of decent scoring condition. I also can't walk in there on any given day and watch the other bowlers to get an idea where to play the lanes. The house manager answered my email request about the lane conditions by simply saying the lanes are "lightly oiled". They are also synthetic AMF lanes, for what it's worth.
Another concern for me is that I have not bowled in
over two years. I got so burned out and struggled so badly in my last league that I have been on a self-imposed "retirement" since May 2006. I know that even if I decide to bowl this company party (still not a certainty), I will be plenty rusty from not having bowled in so long.
Basically, for anyone who has bowled at a place like that, I wanted to know the following:
1) Can I expect to score decently if I go with the "spray and pray" bowling technique?

2) Are the lanes at places like that so brutal that I am better off just throwing plastic equipment pointed at the head pin (either house plastic or my own trusty spare ball)?
I appreciate any replies.
P.S. And if I go with plastic, what CG placement works best for ... HAHA just kidding! I see that we are still arguing the CGNOMADDAH / CGMADDAH issue in places on this forum.

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