General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Walking E on August 06, 2008, 05:32:50 PM
Has anyone used their own reactive equipment at one of those bowling places like Lucky Strike Lanes?
I have a company work party in a couple of weeks at a place called Strike Orange County, and it looks to be one of those places like Lucky Strike Lanes where it's all neon bowling, no leagues, and basically a place to just have fun and not take anything seriously.
OK OK, I know the whole point of something like that is just to have fun. The thing is that if I decide to bowl, I still don't want to struggle out there and look like a rookie. hehe
Since 99.9% of the bowlers who bowl at places like that use the house-provided plastic balls and shoes, I was unsure if I can count on any type of decent scoring condition. I also can't walk in there on any given day and watch the other bowlers to get an idea where to play the lanes. The house manager answered my email request about the lane conditions by simply saying the lanes are "lightly oiled". They are also synthetic AMF lanes, for what it's worth.
Another concern for me is that I have not bowled in over two years. I got so burned out and struggled so badly in my last league that I have been on a self-imposed "retirement" since May 2006. I know that even if I decide to bowl this company party (still not a certainty), I will be plenty rusty from not having bowled in so long.
Basically, for anyone who has bowled at a place like that, I wanted to know the following:
1) Can I expect to score decently if I go with the "spray and pray" bowling technique? 
2) Are the lanes at places like that so brutal that I am better off just throwing plastic equipment pointed at the head pin (either house plastic or my own trusty spare ball)?
I appreciate any replies.
P.S. And if I go with plastic, what CG placement works best for ... HAHA just kidding! I see that we are still arguing the CGNOMADDAH / CGMADDAH issue in places on this forum. 
Official Member of the BrunsTrackColumStormHammEboRotoBuzzAMF Nation!
There is a Lucky Strike a mile from me in Boston. Heres the deal. When they say "light oil", they really mean they "lighty" oil the lanes, and then don't touch them for a week, no joke. Yes, they are going to be burnt out. Its a very laid back atmosphere. Neon "Cosmic" bowling, 24/7. Huge flatscreens with sports on above everything, including the lanes. Couple leather couches on each lane instead of stools and chairs, coffee table in between the two couches. Couple footrests. Scoring system is bright neon colored with a radar gun on the lanes to tell you how hard you threw it. Its a fun time, dont take it to seriously, since its not for competitive bowling. I've never seen anyone bring there own ball in there. Bring your shoes so your comfortable, thats about it. The lanes are so dry I got a house ball not even close to my span to rev up enough to throw a high 190 game last time out. Lol.
Don't take it to seriously, trust me noone else will be. It is a good time though. But again, leave any reactive equipment at home.
Get Twisted!
I agree. If you take a ball. Plastic is the only ball you will need.
Take your own shoes, and a plastic ball.
A few years ago, we had an event at one of those places in Chicago. I didn't feel like bowling, largely because I knew there would be no oil, so I didn't bring my stuff. Well, the VP of the Chicago region was a bowler (180ish average) so he brought his stuff. First ball, pulls out an X-factor, it was in the gutter by the 20 foot mark...and he wasn't anywhere near a cranker. He turned around VERY confused and I almost fell off my bar stool from laughing so hard.
So just go with the straight ball, chances are you're still gonna be better than 99% of your coworkers and they'll be impressed if you shoot in the 150 range
It IS next year!
Edited on 8/7/2008 11:54 AM
My experience was extremely different, it was like they over oil you could easily see it. And with all the house balls being thrown up the gut it was like Moses in action on a bowling lane. This would have been great however not only was it heavy oil it was from oile from 1board to 1board for 55 feet.
I tried my Fury and Total NV and got maybe 2 boards movement throwing up 5. I did better when I moved to the left gutter cap and threw up 25 out to 15. All the plastic had pushed enough oil out to find a little dry to bounce off.
Walking E, if you're talking about the Lucky Strike at The Block in Orange, I've seen a hole bunch of people with there bowling bag equipment all lined up to get in outside. This was on a Sat afternoon 3 weeks ago.
hey.. if you are referring to the one located at the block of orange.. well.. i was there before and the management said i cant use my own equipment.. just giving you a head up..
Just take it for what it is worth, use it for practice, since the scores don't count work on your timing, hitting the same spot each time. What better way to practice when someone else is footing the bill. My company has the same thing every year and I am able to get in about 15-20 games during the night. So when you do bowl bad you can tell everyone you were working on your timing, release.
mmmcfarland300, that wasnt heavy oil, that was a total lack of oil, when you throw on lanes with almost no oil, the ball will use its energy up before the arrows and go straight.
Anger, Cell, Spare ball (for the pesky one left standing), Scout (rico!!), and No Mercy (on the way)
High Game-300
High Series-767
There is a Lucky Strike a mile from me in Boston. Heres the deal. When they say "light oil", they really mean they "lighty" oil the lanes, and then don't touch them for a week, no joke. Yes, they are going to be burnt out. Its a very laid back atmosphere. Neon "Cosmic" bowling, 24/7. Huge flatscreens with sports on above everything, including the lanes. Couple leather couches on each lane instead of stools and chairs, coffee table in between the two couches. Couple footrests. Scoring system is bright neon colored with a radar gun on the lanes to tell you how hard you threw it. Its a fun time, dont take it to seriously, since its not for competitive bowling. I've never seen anyone bring there own ball in there. Bring your shoes so your comfortable, thats about it. The lanes are so dry I got a house ball not even close to my span to rev up enough to throw a high 190 game last time out. Lol.
Don't take it to seriously, trust me noone else will be. It is a good time though. But again, leave any reactive equipment at home.
I've been to Jillian's by the Fens a few times. The first time I went, I made the mistake of bringing my own equipment. Not only was it a little awkward, but the lanes were definitely cruising. I was playing 6th arrow out to 2 with as much speed as I could muster and struggling to keep it off the face. I think they put a smidge of oil on the heads every day, but the pattern is uber-short and the backends are squeaky clean. I guess the point is spray-and-pray is not an option. All you can do is boom the lane with a ton of speed and try to split boards.
Every other time I went, I just brought my shoes and duffed off with house balls. It's really a chill atmosphere, and the lanes and amenities are really nice. Prices are steep, but I guess that's to be expected. More of a nightclub than a bowling center, so don't expect to light the joint up.
"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."
-Broadcasting Extraordinaire and Mensa Member Joe Theismann
Thank you to everyone who responded to my thread.
To clarify, the place we're bowling is a brand new place called "Strike Orange County" and it is located at The District in Tustin. I threw out the name "Lucky Strike Lanes" because this place looks to be the exact same type of place, but since it's brand new I doubt that anyone has bowled there. Conversely, I figured that some folks would have bowled at Lucky Strike.
I did email the manager and they said it was OK for me to use my own ball. My guess, however, is that it will be similar to most Lucky Strike places - pretty much bone dry with an impossible "pattern". I was hoping it would be otherwise but I don't think that will be the case based on the responses I've heard.
Thanks again, everyone. If I decide to bowl, I will let you know how I do.
P.S. I know it's just for fun. 
Official Member of the BrunsTrackColumStormHammEboRotoBuzzAMF Nation!
I have bowled at a place called Lucky Strike lanes but not the same as you guys are talking about My Lucky Strike lanes is in Wrightstown about ten miles south of Green Bay. It is 4 lanes and really tough 200-600 gets you on the honor board.
Well, for those who are interested, I ended up bowling. I was quite reluctant to break my 27-month bowling retirement, but once I got there I decided to pull the stick out of my rear and just bowl. Fortunately, I brought along a couple of balls and my shoes with me in case I decided to bowl.
Based on the feedback I received combined with the center manager saying that they apply "light oil", I decided to bring my plastic spare ball and one of my lesser-hooking reactive pearls, my Intense Inferno. I never liked my Intense Inferno much because I could never get it face up to the pocket the way I liked (speed dominant lofter + medium revs + low track = not so successful with reactive pearls), but it still fits well and I thought I wouldn't even need it anyway.
First thing I noticed was that the approaches were like rubber - absolute dead stop on my sliding foot (was the same for everyone). Rather than switch from my old #8 sole to the teflon sole in my SSTs (which always felt like ice skating to me), I just decided that today would be a plant and toss kind of day.
Second thing I noticed was that my Intense Inferno went straight as an arrow for 60 feet! I guess "light oil" means "heavy, long, flat oil with carrydown" because that is what I saw. I mean, the ball never even hinted at wrinkling on any shot, and I was trying to slow it down. Actually, I can't confirm that the pattern was flat because I was too afraid to throw anything close to the gutter.
Anyway, I ended up bowling a 197 playing the plant-and-point method. Not too bad, all things considered. Granted, four of my six strikes were Brooklyn, but I'll take 'em.
I hung up the shoes after one game, and I am now back officially in retirement, at least until the next office party. I did win high game, and a nice gift card to Cheesecake Factory (woo!).
Thanks again for all the feedback.
Official Member of the BrunsTrackColumStormHammEboRotoBuzzAMF Nation!
I love my Intense Inferno. For me it works great on medium-med/heavy oil, mainly because of my rev rate.
CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997
JOHN CANDY:1950-1994
JOHN BELUSHI:1949-1982
JIM MORRISON:1943-1971
"NO RESPECT, I GET NO RESPECT."-the great Rodney Dangerfield
Cheesecake Factory sweet. 4 cheese pasta....mmmmmmmmmmm
Only Losers Feel Pressure