If anything being the underdog might work in our favour. With them as the best team everyone is going to do their all to try and de-throne them, let them have the attention i say, fly safely below the radar and you wont have the pressure against you that you would if you were the best team in the league.
As many have mentioned their team relationship would be very strong, and they would know everything about each persons games. I say when you go out to practice, practice as a team, watch each other closly, find each others weakness's, hell go out to a pub together, what ever it is, do it together and become a solid team. That will go along way to beating these guys.
Keep us informed how you go, and check back in the night that you have to play them and let us know! Other then that, good luck on the lanes, may the 10 pin fall your way and not theirs, and kick some butt.
Good luck and high scoring