Hello all, half way through my two current leagues, I'm done letting thumb injuries, blisters, and swelling dictate my progression as a bowler.
After two practice balls on my Friday league, the callus on my thumb began to fill with blood, and I realized I would not be able to use my conventional delivery for the night (or for the next week for that matter). After apologizing to my teammates, I informed them that I would do my best at attempting a two-handed style.
Ended up averaging 186 for the night, about 10 pins lower than my book average, not a bad night, all things considered. Especially when accounting for the fact that I had no clue how to line up for spares. Striking was seemingly effortless as long as I was within 3 boards of my target and kept my speed up.
Now I am seriously considering making the switch full time. I just have a few questions/concerns about committing to the transition.
1. Health - I'm worried I will destroy my left knee with all the extra energy I'm putting on it. I didn't have any pain, but what are the things I should focus on to ensure I stay healthy?
2. Slide - I outright slipped on two shots, both went into the gutter. Do two handers use less slippery soles? Is it worth the money to buy a performance shoe that I can adjust the soles to my needs? Or is it poor balance on my part?
3. Transition - towards the end of game two, finding the pocket was difficult as everything wanted to turn early. I think my speed began to suffer as I got tired. Should I be making big adjustments left or is balling-down on the same line more appropriate (it's a relatively long, relatively flat house shot.)
4. USBC Rules - Am I allowed to use a ball with a thumb hole and a weight hole? I know about the rule changes coming in a couple years, but is this legal for now?
I know a lot of people despise the style...I did too, until I had no other option. Thumb issues are what made me quit competitive youth bowling, and the idea that I could completely eliminate my biggest weakness immediately is becoming more and more attractive.
Any advice is appreciated, I will be trying this style for the second time tonight, this time in my sport league (boardwalk pattern - 35 feet, high volume, practically flat)