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Author Topic: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices  (Read 13866 times)


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Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« on: January 14, 2010, 06:17:51 AM »
After many hours of thought and watching friends go out of business or finding new jobs due to lack of bowling equipment sales, has left me with one question to the bowling manufacturers. "Why won't you establish a minimum sale price for all current products on the market?The golf industry is much larger and has more companies in their sport than bowling and yet you can go to any local on course pro shop,local retailer, and pick any of the web sellers and the price of current products are within $5.00 of each retailer. Bowling has in place all that needs to be done to police this situation but the manufactures still think that once they sell a product to the distributors the price that needs to be charged is out of there hands, when its the manufactures job to protect their product and keep the industry stable. With the ridiculously low prices some e-tailers are selling products for forces many pro shop operators into being just a ball driller or to leave the business altogether. Bowling will continue to decline if the ship is not righted soon. This is just one of many reasons bowling is suffering and manufactures need to help this industry if they want bowling to start growing again.
Steve Harms
Owner Bowler Choice Pro Shop
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Steve Harms



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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2010, 04:10:32 PM »
Maybe if the pro shops got in line and started to sell there stuff for what the e-tailers are than people would buy from them again, but why would you go into a pro shop pay $200+ for a bowling ball when you can go to one of the e-tailers  get the same ball drilled for under $150.


A highend ball may sell for $135-$145 online... So when you say you can get it for UNDER $150 drilled, YOUR TALKING STUPID TALK BOY....

HOW MUCH CAN YOU BUY A PURE SWING OR A JIG CORNER FOR ONLINE DRILLED BOY...........UNder $150 drilled... MY BUTT you loud mouth phony....

You have no clue, your just another two bit keyboard pounder that likes to come on and pretend your a bowler...

Real bowlers, you know, ones who bowl for money... Know where to have their balls drilled...

your a joke


are we clear


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2010, 04:17:07 PM »
Why should the pro shop be allowed to make a profit from getting the ball from the same place I can?

Golf can do it but other industries cannot.  You are using golf because it supports your position.

Auto repair shops in my area do not mark up parts.  Why, customers can walk down the street and buy the same part at the same store the repair place got it from.

Auto repair shops charge for their service.  The the cost of that service has gone up because they can no longer mark up parts like they "USED TO".

Pro shops can do the same and the ones in my area do.

Here is another example of a brain dead fool...



Yet you expect a pro shop to stock msde. and not make any profit...

RING RING BOY,  back to class you go, >>> 3rd grade right???

And remember, WASH your hands after you go pee pee on them...

You still suck your thumb right............

Wild guess,   that Black Beauty still working for you...

Another keyboard pounder.........


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2010, 04:21:05 PM »
I too ask the same question when I started bowling (2 years ago). The price difference between online and in the local shops was very wide. If you brought an "outside" ball to be drilled, the proshop would drill it, but not without giving you the evil eye. The drilling cost was around $80.

We have a new pro shop owner in one of our houses locally and the prices he charges are more inline with web prices. Examples Columbia 300 Freeze, 109.95 drilled. That includes the Vise IT and finger inserts. The high end balls are priced similar as the VG and VE are both 189.00 drilled. I saw the Jigsaw Corner just in last night for 189.95 drilled.

He also sells other items at a lower price. I use Vise Hada tape, which he sells for 9.95 for the pack of 40. Everywhere else it is 11.95 and up.

So it seems to me, with the current economy, maybe the pro shop owners need to figure out how to cut the prices and still stay in business.
Nine in the pit with the Tenpin left standing. dooooh!!
"If guns kill people, do pencils misspell words?"

"If you don't stand for our flag, then don't expect me to give a damn about your feelings."


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2010, 04:25:31 PM »
Maybe if the pro shops got in line and started to sell there stuff for what the e-tailers are than people would buy from them again, but why would you go into a pro shop pay $200+ for a bowling ball when you can go to one of the e-tailers  get the same ball drilled for under $150.

HEY keyboard pounder...


$143.99  undrilled....

You are a clueless idiot....

You talk the talk, but can you back it up....

Ya, you can maybe buy a closeout  online drilled for under $150..

But try buying a ball THAT SELLS....

Or a new release....

Your a fool with a big mouth....And you don't know jack crap about retail...

More then likely the next pot you win, will be your first...
Stop trying to pretend your a bowler...

And get back to me BOY, when you cam buy a Pure Swing or a Jig Corner, or a Mutant, or a Bounty etc etc for under $150 drilled...

Now keyboard pounder,  watch out for your job...

Cause big corps are canning deadbeats who surf the net all day while at work..

You will be replaced by some little girl in China who types faster then you, and smells a whole lot better....

Thats your future



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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2010, 04:27:03 PM »
If you want a new ball from a proshop for $139 or so like online just ask and they probably will sell it to you for that. Then you have to figure out a way to drill it.

Most shops will include drilling, inserts and a slug for the price listed or you can try bargaining with them a little for a better price. Still if you buy one online and then take it somewhere to get it drilled you will spend about the same as in store.

$139 then you drive to your local shop and pay $50 to drill and $25 for finger and thumb inserts $214. Price listed in shop about the same.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don''t "

Edited on 1/14/2010 5:29 PM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2010, 04:28:02 PM »
well hello jls my good man.  Glad you could make it...I was hoping you saw this one.
Dave Roberts Jr
Track staff
Turbo regional staff
Bowl-T''s Pro Shop, Imperial. MO

Ya I saw it... BOY I"M GLAD I DON''T have fools like this for customers...

But I''m sure this fool wants to be paid big bucks at his job..........

Typical keyboard pounder,  they are a dime a dozen over here....

Now I must go,   trying to get pic''s from Miss Kitten...

No more time for these fools....


Edited on 1/14/2010 5:30 PM


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2010, 04:33:32 PM »
I would never use this JLS guy as my pro shop.  What a mean and nasty SOB he is.  You sir should be out of the pro shop industry and have to pan handle to eat lunch every day.

And what makes you think we would let you in the shop....

Now be gone you poor excuse for a human...

You people come on and take CHEAP shots at pro shops,,, And when we defend ourselves,  an idiot like you comes on and says..

"i will never use him"

GOOD,  get your balls drilled at K -Mart...

Do you think I care... Your just another keyboard pounder who wants to get paid at his job, YET THINKS PRO SHOPS SHOULD WORK FOR FREE..

Get lost you loser....

and tell all your friends...

all 2 of them


are we clear

Edited on 1/14/2010 5:34 PM


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2010, 04:41:13 PM »
Because in some areas of the USA the minimum price would be still too high for the people in that area to afford.

Bowling is a middle to lower class sport with people that do not have alot of disposable income.  

Places in my area sell high end balls for $180-190.  If they mandated a minimum price of lets say $220, the pro shops would never sell a single ball again in the high end category.

I find in my travels, depending on the area, that the used ball sales are starting to provide the pro shops a new source of income.  

Lets face it, people do not have money these days.

Edited on 1/14/2010 3:41 PM

Where you from Mayberry....

What a stupid statement...

Most bowlers I know,  you know, real bowlers,  are GOLFERS....

They golf during the summer and bowl during the winter...

So your statement is stupid, not true and makes you look stupid....

But then again, maybe you were born in the back of a pickup truck...

So that may explain why you think all bowlers are poor.....

get a life, get a clue....

It's people like you, with your poor way of thinking about bowlers, that brings down this sport...

Take up tennis, and move to San Fran...

still clear



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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2010, 04:48:37 PM »
Well I drill about 100+ balls a year, I bowl on the PBA regional tour.  I''''m a rather well respected member and I don''''t act like a ranting lunatic (like yourself).

You are whats wrong with the sport of bowling.  You feel like your entitled to something and if you do not get it, your allowed to belittle, and degrade anyone who does not agree with you.

I hope the cancer that you are, leaves this industry soon and lets somebody else who has fresh ideas and visions in, so they can grow and make the sport and the experience for everyone healthy.

I would never want to be apart of your pro shop, or even promote you simply because of the way you act on here towards people.  The common people that this great country is made of.  You are a bully and a blow hard big mouth.  Your customers and potential customers deserve better.

Edited on 1/14/2010 5:40 PM

No boy,  I ''m a real pro shop,  100 balls a year... r u kidding me...

And when lowlifes come on and start their Bull Crap about how much they can buy online for,  I will DEFEND pro shops,,, boy..

I dared him to produce a site where he could buy any of those models online for under $150 drilled... And if you don''t like it boy, ask me if I care boy...

You think I care that your another 197 pba pro bowler...with a card...

And I would not brag about 100 balls a year BOY...

I can''t believe he said that,   100 balls a year...

People on this site come on and talk trash about pro shops,  but that''s OK with a piece of crap like you...

But when  a real pro shop defends our industry, you act like your something special...your a joke... Your the guy who wears the bag tag and then stands at the foul line giving the 10 pin the finger....A real class act...

And once again, your not now or will you ever be ready for prime time boy...

move on

And one more thing mr Tough guy wan a bee...

I will gladly send you my address.....

You would be the 3rd so called tough guy that I have sent my address to...

now move along boy....


Edited on 1/14/2010 5:51 PM


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2010, 04:58:58 PM »
I'm not a pro shop.  I myself drill over 100+ balls for tournament and testing.

Did you flunk reading and comprehension class?

No really, your not a pro shop,  wow,,,,what a shock....

Of course I know your not a pro shop boy...

Cause a real pro shop would not talk so stupid...

Your just another keyboard pounder who thinks pro shops should work for free..

And when you have to deal with someone like me, who is not afraid of two bit keyboard pounders, you can't handle it...

So you do your little geek thing and say, "I will never" ... Grow up you wan a bee....

Cause I guess you think we will run and hide...

Well guess what Mr 100 balls a year...

Ain't never going to happen boy...

As long as lowlife keyboard pounders come on this site and bash real pro shops for trying to make a profit... You and them will be hearing from me boy....

And notice, mr big mouth still has not produced a site where one can buy balls drilled for under $150... that are not closeouts....

you make me sick



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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2010, 05:02:25 PM »
If the companies do that and say they make high end balls a minimum of $140 from the distributors that would just make prices higher in the pro shop most likely.  I really doubt drilling is cheaper than $60 anywhere in my area, it's $65 at my pro shop.  Buying a ball that costs $140 online and getting it drilled is going to end up costing about $211.  Now, that would be a bit of a deal around here because for the same ball from the pro shop, you'll be paying $240 or more plus tax.  That's because whatever their cost for those balls is (from their distributer) must be higher than what we see online, and/or the cost of living is playing a role here too.  Therefore they're only doing what they need to in order to make a living.

In areas like where a lot of you live and can get a VG for $200, the dstributor's prices must be significantly lower or the cost of living is lower.  Either way, with the minimum pricing, this would affect you guys more than my area.  I'm not sure if I'm right in my thinking there but that's the way it seems.

A little off-topic, what is the general cost from your distributors now for high end balls like the VG?


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2010, 05:10:25 PM »
Even in golf, most cases ebay on new clubs the difference is more then $5. Just by searching a New Taylormade Burner driver listed on Academy Sports for $199+ tax and ebay for $159 shipped. (some a little cheaper then that)

I'm not talking about auction sites, I'm referring to actual retail sites. E-bay is the anomaly due to that they can sell anything and yes some individuals and retail stores use E-bay as an outlet, here is the kicker, if the shop or individual is selling a new or current product that is unused and the manufacturer find out about it, manufaturer will remove them from being able to purchase from the distributor untill a representive contacts them or visits them to find out why they violated the sales agreement with the manufacturer. There are consequences for not following the rules..
Steve Harms
Owner Bowler Choice Pro Shop
USBC Silver Coach
Track Regional Staff
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Steve Harms


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2010, 05:11:03 PM »
I''d like to meet you one day JLS, and boy that little blow hard mouth of yours would be shut up quick.  I''d put you in your place in seconds, because your a small minded twit that can''t come up with anything of substance, other than to name call and bully.

Now that sounds like a threat boy.

Now come on over and back it up......

Does mommy allow you to cross the busy streets yet...

Face it boy,  you can't stand it when a real hard working pro shop defends our industry.. It makes losers like you feel small...

So go right ahead with your  geek talk boy...

As long as geeks come on and tell lies about the cost of balls drilled... you will have to deal with me....

So get use to it boy...

You two bit overpaid keyboard pounders want to get paid at your jobs, YET bash us pro shops for making a small profit...

And you think I care what you think boy....

now go pee pee on the toy toy, it's bed time...


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2010, 05:13:57 PM »
you also have to say boy and mayberry if you want to be taken seriously.

" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Manufacturers lack of minimum sales prices
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2010, 05:17:04 PM »
I said I would shut you up with words, that I am much smarter than you are and dont need to keep belittling and degrading people to try to match them in knowledge.

Anytime you engage in an argument, you belittle and say mean things to people.  That''s your style, you are not original and you keep doing the same thing over and over again.  You have very little substance in your arguments other than trying to belittle people.  

You are nothing, your arguments are nothing and your not very smart.  You have no game plan other than trying to be a bully.  When you are not successful you get even more irate and forceful with your words.  You can tell when you have been defeated by how mean the things you say are.  Right now you are defeated.

Edited on 1/14/2010 6:09 PM

When a loser comes on this site and says things like pro shops should not make a profit or that he can buy new balls drilled for $150...

I will defend pro shops....

You see, people like you think if they insult someone, they will run and hide...

That is called geek 101  boy...

Guess what boy, it don't work with me...

You think I care about most of you keyboard online shoppers... I don't...

Your not my customers... And tomorrow I will hear from my real customers who might see this thread... and they love it when I defend pro shops against two bit lowlifes....

are we clear
