Wow, I can see this is over some of your heads. Let me break this down so you will understand. If a proshop tells you that they cannot buy the ball for what an online dealer is selling it for, then straight up, the proshop is not searching very hard to get a good price. Nobody's fault but the proshops. Online stores have the same access to the same deals as proshop owners. I have been to Bowling expos and see the deals that are put out by manufacturers. Sometimes a brick and mortar proshop gets better deals than online stores. I know that for a fact. Anything contrary to that is a straight up lie. So you cant sit there and tell me that online stores get the items cheaper than you can, but I know its a load of BS. If you call around you could get the same deal. Simple as that. So instead of wasting all your energy pointing a finger at online store, get off you backside and find your customers better prices.
Next topic, In my last post I was asking a question which some people misunderstood. My question was: "Well then why are you selling them for 50-60 bucks more then what you paid for them? And then say that you are throwing the drilling in for free?"
Some of you are laughing at this statement thinking Im an idiot. Some of you think that this meant that Proshops should sell the ball for what they paid for it. NO! This is just asking what are you really charging for when you mark it up 50-60 bucks. The answer, which I thought you would know, is that you mark it up for the drilling and service you provide. So when you could not comprehend that simple statement I laughed at how stupid and simple minded you were. Here is an example of what Im talking about.
Proshop purchases ball for 100---------> Proshop sells ball for 175 ( with drilling ).
Proshop gross profits are 75 / Online Gross profits 0
Online purchase ball for 100 ---------> Online sells ball for 125.
Customer takes ball to proshop for drilling-----> Proshop does drilling 75.
Proshop gross profits are 75, online gross profits are 25.
Proshop makes the same amount whether the item was purchased through them or not. The only real thing a proshop could be upset about is the price of bags or shoes. Something that does not require extra services. With this I can see how you are upset because the price an online store sells it at is usually better. They dont have to mark it up as much because they sell a lot more. Simple business here. If you sell more items, you can sell each for less. So the idea of setting a minimum selling price would only benefit proshops by causing online retailers to have to mark up the price. Do you think the consumer wants this? Do you want to pay more for your stuff too? I sure don't. Maybe the manufacturers think that if the consumer can afford more products then they will enjoy the game more. Maybe cheaper prices will get the consumer more interested in the sport because it is an affordable sport. As some people have already stated. People are going to go where they see the best prices. Im sure some of you will find something about this funny because your an idiot and dont understand what has been written. And for you that are laughing, invest in a helmet and fork corks!
My question back to the original post is: Why not mark you items prices the same as online stores when you can still charge whatever you want for services?