I have been bowling for 25 months and luck would find it's way to me last Wednesday night with my first ever 300 game. Wow what a special feeling it was and how fast it came and went. It came right when I have lost some interest in bowling due to my new found Reunion with golf again. My practice sessions had stopped, my score were showing it, but for some reason I just bowl good on Wednesday nights were I sub about half the time for a great group of friends.
Being far from a polished bowler with many different releases, and lines from game to game, I am very lucky to have rolled this game, but some how it just happened. I did not have time to get nervous and I guess that was a good thing because the front 8 was the best I have ever done before this. I am glad to be a part of that HUGE 300 club out there, but also understand it still is not easy to do.
My ole fav the X Factor was the ball of choice that night on a second shift league. I did add a little extender polish on it before league because of the dry conditions and I guess maybe this helped some.
I would like to thank, Storm, my teachers, BTM summer camp, and of course, all of you that have answered my questions here on this forum. There are many great people on this board, keep up the good work.
Bob Gomavitz