Scribing is fun once in a while, and I have a couple of customers that request it, but isn''''t completely needed except for the PBA truck or a high volume multiple driller shop. When you have a ton of balls to drill in a very short time, grease pencil gets wiped off pretty easily in the shuffle. Scribing makes sense in this application, if only for its resistance to being accidentally wiped off.
People forget that drilling is much like bowling, you have a way you are comfortable with. If you scribe and hit your spans or if you don''''t scribe, it doesn''''t matter as long as the grip is right.
As far as accuracy of Scribe vs. Pencil... If you can''t drill several balls nearly identical with only a dot in the grip center, its time to get an Ovalmatic with endmills and study up.
And remember, an opinion is just that, an opinion.
Edited on 11/28/2009 2:49 PM