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Author Topic: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????  (Read 2411 times)

pro shop guy

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Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:43:59 AM »
I currently use Turbo switch grips and may start stocking Vise IT. Whats the +'s and -'s....Is there a need for both? Thanks~!!!

Edited on 6/14/2009 9:17 PM


pro shop guy

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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2009, 09:17:09 PM »


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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 09:22:40 PM »
i never used the Turbo switch grips but have heard of them breaking. however, the Vise IT will not break, so vise says. but to back that up, my proshop guy called vise concerned about the breakage problem and said they would fix it if it breaks. not sure if thats just for him or not but hey, i believe vise either way. great company!

as for the inserts themselves, they are very easy to install. the proshop i go to is run by my uncle, so he teaches me everything i need to know. he has done the turbo grips also and said the vise is very easy and always consistant. no problems yet! hope that helps.

Mike Austin

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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2009, 09:31:53 PM »
The Vise It is the way to go.  They are easy to install, and if you have the kit, drilling the thumb slug is not hard at all.  I've been using the IT since I started bowling again about 7-8 weeks ago.  I don't think I ever had 12 balls all feel identical, but these sure do.  No flexing inside the ball.  I have no inhibitions or worries about them breaking.  I really like this product!!!  With the Vacu style grips, I can drill a ball in about 5-8 minutes, done.  Glue in grips and put in the IT pieces, done 15 minutes no problem.

IMO, this product might be a little pricier to get started, but Vise gives you a bunch of stuff in the kit.  Their customer service people will answer any/all questions on the phone if needed.  If customer service to your customers is important, then IT system is the way to go.

If I was still in the pro shop business, I would probably still do the Switch Grips for my customers that like them.  Turbo is a good company, good people, but ultimately I answer to my clients.  

Love the IT system!!
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2009, 09:49:15 PM »
I, and 5 of my team mates, have used Turbo's switch grips for two seasons and we have not had one come out or break while bowling.
I bowl three days a week and practice one so I put them to more use than the average bowler.
The last slug I had drilled had larger locking tabs than my origional so they may have evolved to a better product.
I have not experienced any instability or "looseness" once inserted. Probably due to them being installed correctly in the first place.

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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2009, 09:56:19 PM »
I know someone locally that has broken every version of the Turbo Switch Grip inners up until the most recent version.  He's not really a cranker either.


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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2009, 10:00:23 PM »
cant give switch grips away at our shop since one broke and tore ligaments in a kids forearm. how carry vise it and have found them to be far and away better than the switch grip . all u have to do is watch the videos on each website and see that the switch grip is old technology.


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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2009, 10:50:15 PM »
I heard a few bad stories about the switch grips, so I decided on the Vise IT system, have it in all of my balls, and love it.  Very sturdy, easy to switch back and forth with no problems.

The only negative on Vise I have, isn't even with the company.
Problem A: People with that use a lot of rosin or easy slide on their thumbs, can create a build up in the bottom of the mechanism.  So if you do use that stuff often, I recommend you keep it clean to prevent any problems.  I haven't had any problems as I use the stuff very lightly here and there, but I've heard of one guy who had enough "caked" into the threads that the slug locked into place and wouldn't come out.  But even in his case, he took it to the pro shop, and they used a soft wood insert, and some channel locks to budge the slug, took it out, cleaner it, and it worked great again.

Problem B: Is with the driller.  I haven't had it happen to me, but a guy in my league had a similar span to me, and allowed me to put my thumb in his ball to see how I liked his ball, but there was a slight difference in the... I guess... degree of installation?  Meaning that my thumb was slightly rotated in his ball when in the "locked" position, so it wasn't perfectly flush.  It was slight, and again, even in this situation, you shouldn't be rolling over your thumb anyways, but try to use the same driller each time, or at least bring in your other balls with the system, so he can align them to match.

So, only 2 cons, and like I said, neither of them are directly related to the company, or design.  I highly recommend the system, it's great having 2-3 separate feeling thumbs, that I can switch back and forth to, depending on how hot/cold the alley is, due to hand swelling/shrinking.  I don't ever have to worry about playing with tape in my thumb hole anymore.

Cost $25 initially to be installed, which included the receiver in the ball, and my custom slug.  Each ball after that was only $10-15 just for the receptacle.  And I can have a new thumb fit anytime I want for $10!

Here's a thread I wrote in hammerforums with pictures:
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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2009, 11:46:31 PM »
I've used Turbo switch grips for the past 2 years. I have a selection of 6 inner sleeves (different sizes) I use across 8 different balls. In that time, I've thrown hundreds of games and had only one break. It was just one tab that broke, and the sleeve didn't actually completely break out. So I've basically been happy with system.

However, my proshop guy recently started offering the Vise It, so I thought I'd give it a try in a new ball I had drilled up. I'm really impressed with the system. Instead of the two tabs that hold the slug in place with the Turbo, the slug actually screws in like a light bulb with the Vise It. I can't see any real chance of this mechanism breaking. It's a solid design.

I'll be using the Vise It moving forward. I haven't seen the Grip Loc system in action, but the Vice It is a real step forward over Switch Grips.
Sig not currently in use. I'm not interested in playing games.

pro shop guy

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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2009, 07:39:40 AM »
Thanks all for the feedback. Sounds like I need to try the Vise IT system.


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Re: Switch Grip or Vise IT which do you prefer....?????
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2009, 07:53:56 AM »
heres mine as well as my pro shops feelings on them.

turbo switch grip:

the new design is pretty good I must say. its in my stuff now but honestly would have preferred the vise IT

vise IT:

has anyone broke one? very very solid idea.

my pro shop claimed a while back that there is a difference in slug sizes available and that with the turbo product he can duplicate a thumb with a mold in the turbo stuff where he cant in the vise IT. Im guessing it has to do with the fact that there is an outter sleve so you can slide in a mold where on the vise IT its all one piece screwed into the bottom???? I could be wrong.

even though I have the switch grip system I think id prefer the vise IT but my pro shop does not carry it at this time so I had no choice.

Edited on 6/15/2009 7:55 AM