Last Tuesday, a teammate and I were discussing immature bowlers and when will they ever mature in the sport/game. I see numerous bowlers who think they have to throw a big hook to score. I fell into this a couple of years ago. I was more concerned about hooking the ball than anything else.
We have a guy, close to my age, on my tuesday night league. He is a pretty good bowler when the condition is in his favor. The reason he bowls poorly on anything that doesn't have a 5 board bump outside is his thinks he has to use all 40 boards. His current four ball arsenal is a Morich Mayhem, Morich Colossus, Super Carbide Bomb and a XXXL. I have no idea why ANYONE would need those three balls on a house shot. Absolutely ridiculous...
Back to the topic, I woke up a couple of months ago. I told myself to be accurate and play the lanes the CORRECT way. I want to knock down pins, if I have to play inside outside so be it. If I need to pipe it up the outside, fine, whatever it takes to score the best.
I think it shows a complete like of maturity to feel like it is necessary to hook the ball 40 boards. Does anyone know what you say to help them realize that knocking down pins is the name of the game?? This guy could be great but just doesn't realize it.
"Act like you've been there before"