As another bigger guy, I had the same issues with the getting my hips around the ball, without creating a problem with my armswing. What I have been told to do by my coach is this: Line up as your normally would for your strike ball. Once set, turn your feet about 45 degrees to the right. Then take your first step straight toward the foul line as you normally would. With your feet turned, in order to step straight, you have to swing your hips left, which then creates a path for your armswing. It has seemed to work for me.
I also tend to muscle my armswing, and am working on that. A good way to practice not doing that, based on a lesson with Mike Jasnau is the no-step approach. Take your ball and step up to the foul line. Set-up in your finishing positions (knees bent, right leg behind and out the left, etc.). Once there, swing the ball and release it. If you fall out of position, you have tried to muscle the ball. You should be able to maintain the position, and the ball should get down the lane. If it goes straight left, it is also an indication you have muscled the swing.
Good luck to you.