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Author Topic: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players  (Read 1816 times)


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I am sure their are others but those came to mind.  After all your success and multiple honor scores per month / year would you bowl in a house that reduced your average to 210ish and maybe you did not get a 700 every month let alone maybe an 800 or more per season??

This is not to rag on you at all..... just wanted to hear your response in light of my other topic "BOWLERS WHO QUIT BECAUSE OF LOW SCORES"

Respectfully submitted,




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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2005, 09:51:24 AM »
Do you think theres a house that would really reduce there scores that much? Even if they put out pba shots, they would still probably average in the 2 teens. Maybe if they put out a sport shot I could understand, but the level that those guys are at, I don't see many shots that would reduce their scores to that level while they are using modern technology.


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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2005, 09:55:29 AM »
No one has ever averaged 225 in one house and there has been 6-800's in 30 years as well as maybe 20-30 300-s.  210 was picked only as a number for conversation.  Perhaps they as well as others would be 210-230 , who knows....




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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 11:34:01 AM »
"would you bowl in a house that reduced your average...",

NOD, here's my personal take:

I've been doing this since I was about 10 years old when my Dad managed a center in St Louis. That's about 46 years. For 22 years I was in the Air Force and bowled all around the world, in at least 12 countries I can remember,..and 300 games in 5 of them..with all that under my belt,'s what I have learned. Average (and scores) mean nothing in a sport where you compete to win, and that's what we all do,...compete to win.

If my average in house A is 220 and I can't beat anyone, what good does it do to average 220.  But let's say that my average in house B is only 206, and I'm high in the house that's great, and now I'm winning. Scores are relevant depending on the environment. Personally, I would like to bowl a good steady 660 for 3 games and win,...than shoot 760 and not cash to bowlers that I know do not have the skills that I do,..but the conditions make them that good that night...

To me, average in "numbers" means nothing, what if you can average 230,..and you're "average" in your league,..or you average 206, and are elite in your league.  To answer your question, yes I'd bowl in a tougher house, or tougher condition, long as the condition is the same for both sides, and fair for all....

Average-a-holics will always be around,..guys that bowl in the easy house, and get that big book average,...for what I don't know.  For me I want to win, I want my team to win,..I don't care about the scores.


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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2005, 12:05:57 PM »

Yes, I would bowl such a house.  However, I wouldn't care about averages because they are so relative to not only the condition but also to your crossings. I just attack each game lane by lane and hopefully I/my team comes out the winner.
Anthony Chapman
Track International Amateur Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff


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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2005, 01:18:32 PM »
My sentiments exactly jimensmiger. It is never about score to me. I have lost a two game total pins match for $1000 shotting 578 (279/299). The bottom line is the result. I needed that $1000 too back in 1981.

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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2005, 01:37:00 PM »
yes, definatly.  i'd set goals and hope to obtain them.

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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2005, 01:38:37 PM »
the funny think about our center, what we have for award scores this seasom(24/300's and 12/800's) is as much as we've had in the last 6 years!! I guess a new lane surface helps!!

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The Hose

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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2005, 01:42:15 PM »
Not to jump in here with the elite players but here is my thought.  
You can make any house tough if you wish.  Play with plastic, play a line that isn't as forgiving as a typical house shot.

I used a 14 lb plastic ball last night and played 4th arrow (I'm a lefty).  I only shot 587 but threw the ball good....mission accomplished.  

It's more about making good shots and being able to recognize when you don't throw it good even though you strike.  

I was high in our house last year with a 228, with the next highest being about 221.  If I was 228 and wasn't in the top 10, I'd feel different about it.

Racking up honor scores at your home house or on house shots is for the ego, it really doesn't show what kind of a bowler you are.

Yes, I'd love for my house to be so tough that I had to work at my game to average 204.

Jim Ensminger is a bowler, I've seen him score on conditions that others struggled on and he's won several SASBA tournaments against the likes of Gary Dickinson, David Ozio, George Pappas, and countless others.

Keep in mind, high averages and honor scores do not make you a "real" bowler

I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose


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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2005, 01:48:35 PM »
I did just this a few years ago at our other local house. I was  good 15 pins different in average compared to my typical house.  

I think the better bowlers will come out when there are challenging conditions provided they are fair and atleast playable if you execute.

-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: OPEN ? FOR REV-O-LUTIONS, JSEMINGER, ACHAPMAN and other elite players
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2005, 01:56:22 PM »
man is that simple... the day that u could average 245 ave. in ur house shot in like 50 games...and then u can average 200 on a sport condition then u are "pbatour material bowler"...dont ever think u are that good if u average around 220 on house...yes u are fine...but u are like one strike and one spare for beeing a great one...always remember pba tour in el paso
eugene mccune ave 260 in el paso (house) and then 180 in dallas (not sport but a tough one) and he is in the circle of the best 64 bowlers in the world.
i love to practice on sport...then i go to a house shot and i just kill them
by the way my av on house is 220 and 196 on sport
i bowl for the national team of argentina and i throw the third high set in the amf world cup in 2003 (1121 in 5 games)just below bill hoffman and tore torgessen