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Author Topic: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery  (Read 4513 times)


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Well i had this for 10 years. Its golfer elbow/baseball elbow/bowlers elbow, whatever you want to call it.
Ive had about 15 cortizone shots, rehab, but nothing works.

Surgery is next
Did the Ct scan today, but Dr's are giving two different options

both think theirs is best

options 1
about 6 inch incision and they unhook tendon , clean up scare tissue and then reattach tendon

option 2
they make a 1 inch incision and unhook tendon-he says you really dont need it hook on and it will grow back(attach) where it sees fit

both have a down time of 6-12 weeks(probably around 8-9)


i waited to summer so i wouldnt miss my bwoling

This has been a pain in my butt for way to long-i dont care but get it fixed-whatever it takes

It may harm fishing for a few weeks and golf, but ill live with it



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Re: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2004, 04:15:05 PM »
How did you develop this and what type/where is the pain?

Medial epicondylitis is inflammation of the medial epicondyle of the humerus.  It is located on the inside of the elbow (hold your arm out in front of you, palm up) and it is on the left side of the elbow right where the humerus meets the ulna (pinky side).  There's a little tendon there that when injured/traumatized, it gets inflamed and can be VERY painful (I know because my poor teammate has it, and is going to be getting an MRI as soon as she gets medical insurance).  She started with cortisone pills but might be moving to shots once the doctor has examined it more thoroughly. (I took the description from my Stedman's Medical Dictionary, BTW).

The only other person I knew that had this was a woman I bowled with on a day league I used to bowl on.  She had the surgery done (the best way to describe it would be the one 1fife described as Option 2).  She was in physical therapy/rehab for 10 weeks, but now bowls completely pain free and is back to all normal activities.  She opted to do the surgery later in summer so she missed a few weeks of bowling, but I found out she won the league so her elbow must be feeling just fine now).
White Dot
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Re: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2004, 05:14:07 PM »
Hey, I've got something right now on the outside part of the elbow of my real live arm.
Right arm that I don't use for bowling.

Never hurts and then every once in a while I bump it against something and OHHHHHH, the pain.  I keep thinking there is a cyst or something there but there is nothing!  It is not the spot where you get if you hit the tip of your elbow.  It is tender when hit gently or pushed hard at that spot but the rest of the time no pain?



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Re: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2004, 07:54:28 PM »
as white dot desribes

inside of elbow

outside is tennis elbow

how happen
time-also baseball-bowling


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Re: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2004, 09:26:36 PM »
thnaks bones

this has gone on way to long

on and off for 10 years

havent played ball for years
and dont bowl in summer to rest

but it still there
thats why the surgery

Doc Hollywood

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Re: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2004, 10:43:46 PM »
1fife - If I may add my 2 cents.  Since you have had for 10 years and the problem hasn't resolved I would say that it is time to analyze the pros and cons.  

My question to you prior to deciding on surgery is this.  Do you have pain in the off season when you do not bowl? If you have no pain then you have a mechanical problem that must be fixed prior to surgery as even though a repair is in order the problem will return and quite possibly be worse.  If the pain is still present without bowling or activity then there is something that can be addressed and the end result should be much better.

If you have surgery be prepared for both outcomes.  We all want the best outcome as possible.  But reality is that not all surgeries work out for the best.

If you do decide on surgery pay attention to what the doctor says and don't stray.  Also be prepared to change lifestyle for awhile to get the best outcome.  What I mean by this is, Change in proper diet with added vitamin supplementation drinking plenty of fluids, alcohol and sodas don't count.  if you are a smoker you better stop.  The better shape you are in before, during and after the surgery will help dictate your overall outcome.  Just about all surgeons out there are good.  some are better than others.  What makes great outcomes are what is done before, during and after the surgeries.

Remember, garbage in equals garbage out.

I am sure Sawbones would agree with me on this to some extent.

If any of you bowlers are ever in my area of the Bay Area in California I would be happy to consult with you and look at your inuries and offer my opinions in non surgical methods.  There are a lot of these injuries that can be turned around by simple changes in mechanics and knowing whether or not there are subtle changes in the neurological responses that temporarily shut down muscle function creating pain disorders.  These mechanical problems often can be corrected in a short time without the need for surgical intervention.
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Re: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2004, 07:12:39 AM »
couple things

i am informed on some things.
My wife is a doctor(podiatrist). She has her reservation on some things, but does agree with all i have been through that surgery is the onloy option i have left.

Pain is all year-gets better sometimes, but it is always there(but worst during season)

i havent bowle din the summer in atleast 7 years. Taking may-aug off.

I am just really wondering about option 2 i talked about-seems most do option 1. Really wondering if anyone had either one-and a real life experie4nce going though it


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Re: medial epicondylitis(golfers elbow) anyone ever had? Surgery
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2004, 07:26:03 AM »
Whitedot-- He was not looking for a diagnosis from a
medical dictionary, he was looking for advice from
someone who had the surgery.  He had already seen two
physicians, what did you think that you would add to
his diagnosis from a dictionary?

Did you get past the first paragraph?  Duh.
White Dot
A friend will be there to bail you out of jail, but a REALLY good friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn!  That was fun!"