Ok, first off, (going all Rico on you guys lol), any pin placement that isn't 3-3/8 inches from your pap is going to reduce flare.
The rest of my rant, until I say, applies to symmetrical bowling balls only.
The top of the core (pin) wants to migrate towards your pap. The easiest way I've ever found to explain this is like this.
Take an egg, and place it on a table. If you roll it, the smaller part of the egg is going to roll on the axis with very little tilt. Now, take the egg, and tilt the small part up 30 degrees, and roll it again. It wobbles a little bit before it rolls on it's axis. Now 45 degrees, then 60, then 75. As you roll the egg, you will see subtle differences in how it gets to the point of it rolling on it's axis.
The ball with a 2 inch pin vs a 5 inch pin are going to see the lane different. 2 inch will lay down and be smoother, 5 inch pin will be more angular, all other factors being the same.
With assyms, the further the pin is from the pap, the more hook set it can be, and it will go longer and be more rounded the shorter the PIN to pap is.