General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: BigHorhn on January 04, 2009, 09:35:59 AM
I have had good sucess using my medium rg world class particle on medium lanes.Of course I had my proshop guy put delayed reaction on it. It is drilled with the pin and cg stacked about an inch from my ring finger. Thats makes it fairly strong for me. I was wondering if anybody else out there uses there particle for medium/light oil also. I planned on getting a particle jolt put the pin over my ring finger and stack the cg below it. I might have to play with the cover a bit, but i want it for the last game of a three game set. I like the control I get from particle on a wet dry condition. Any thoughts?
The Lanemasters Kong worked perfectly, as it was, on medium-light oil patterns. The problem for it and all particles was that if you start out at medium-light, using a solid particle ball, it won't stay medium-light for long. And, because most do not have a strong backend, you can't move very deep with them. So they're good for 2 games at most, if that. That's why I got rid of my Kong.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."