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Author Topic: Going outside your A game....  (Read 1761 times)


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Going outside your A game....
« on: January 03, 2005, 05:10:09 PM »
You always hear a number of opinions on what one should do when faced with conditions that don't necessarily fit the A game one has for their bowling style. I was reading the tips a number of pros and coaches give in the latest issue of BTM and one that struck me as conflicting would be from Mark Estes who stated: "when you are in competition, try not to go too far outside of yourself. What I mean is, let's say you throw the ball straight and that it is a hooking condition and you decide that you want to hook the ball. It is really difficult to do this when it is not your natural game."

My A game is a down and in shot. There have been times when I've been in tournaments where the best carry will be from 25 to 12 at the breakpoint, and that if I stay with my down and in game, I may hit the pocket but not consistently carry due to the angle I'm coming in at versus the wider hook of another bowler.

I guess my query would be: Would you rather work on a style and use modifications based on hand releases, ball speed, equipment changes or do you think it's better to develop a B game (and possibly a C game) if you were to bowl in a number of different leagues/ tournaments through the years?




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Re: Going outside your A game....
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2005, 06:41:12 AM »
AZN is right, everything should be your A game. Up the twig, or coast to coast, every line plays the same, the only thing that changes is which mark on the floor your looking at.

I'd love for everything to be my "A" game; don't have enough practice time in the week thought to develop all lines to "A" level.  So 1/3 of my practice time goes to improving "A" and another third to "B" and the last part to the rest of the alphabet.

It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.  It is by the beans of Java that my thoughts acquire speed.  The hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning.  It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.


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Re: Going outside your A game....
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2005, 07:17:51 AM »
While playing different lines displays versatility that is not showing a “B” game.

Having a “B” game (or “C” or “D”) to me involves fairly major changes in the way you release the ball. Major changes of axis of rotation and tilt.  

I don’t feel the normal league and tournament bowler bowls enough games to get proficient “B” games. Unless ones “A” game is really a small niche shot having the versatility of playing all the lines, with some small release changes will be enough.

In general in tournaments if you can’t play your “A” game you probably are not going to be able to place high in the tournament and your “B” game will not get there either.

I believe in having a good all round “A” game and the versatility to play different lines is most important. Most bowlers I see playing with “B” games haven’t perfected their “A” game and would be better served working on their “A” game.


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Re: Going outside your A game....
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2005, 07:23:03 AM »
I agree that the difference between "A" and "B" (etc.) games is not where on the lane you play, but your release. I think one should get as good as they can on their "A" game, but be able to play it anywhere on the lane. Once you reach a certain point in your "A" game, then work on your "B" game, which may include flattening your wrist and raising axis tilt, or cupping your wrist and getting more tilt. (whichever is basically the opposite of your normal style). If one person can play their "A" game, and then have their "B" game totally different, it would make them a much better bowler, and probably make them place better in tournies and such. Me personally, I dont have much of a "B" game. My "A" game is to rev the ball a bit, and swing it out. Im trying to learn more of a flat wristed, less hitting up, stroker release for when they really dry out. That will be my "B" game.
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Re: Going outside your A game....
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2005, 12:32:46 PM »
My a game is definatly the straighter the better but when I need to I can move and play deep. You need to practice more than just your A game. You need to teach your self to play deep, straight up and all that.
Zack Pelton
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Re: Going outside your A game....
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2005, 06:52:56 PM »
Take what the lanes will give you, not what you want from the lanes.

One must feel comfortable with every shot you take.  If you find that you do not feel it with some shots, practice.



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Re: Going outside your A game....
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2005, 03:35:59 PM »

  I clearly understand your point about no a/b game definitions and I somewhat agree with your analogy. Indeed if you are not capable and ready to perform those differences with high effeicency at at moment you are lacking.

  However, it is much easy to teach bowlers how to square up (hips/shoulders breakpoint) and move right... and call it the "a" game.... and to open up move left to send it and call it the "b" game.

  I dont see the definition of A/B game so much as a proficiency (which is your strongest or most reliable style) but more of an understanding of the differences between the styles used to create those events.

  Clearly if you dont have it all you will be locked out more often than you could be. You should develop as many tools as you can to the point of profiecency.

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