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Author Topic: Mega Rant  (Read 5877 times)


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Mega Rant
« on: October 12, 2008, 02:21:08 AM »

Alright, so roughly 5 months ago I started to get lessons.  My coach told me in order to get better pin action and a more consistent release, to go to four steps and to work on a pendulum for my arm.  Before, I was 5 steps and I never used a pendulum; I muscled the ball up and down.  

Five months later:  my average is down roughly 10 pins on a THS, my average remained the same in my PBA league this summer vs. last summer.  My scores used to range say from 170-230 (of course there were a few exceptions).  Now, my scores are ranging from 140-250.  I'm throwing a lot more higher games, but also a lot more lower games.  I used to pride myself on being consistent.  I had countless 630 series where all my games were 21X.  I had a stretch in the 07/08 season where I went 5 weeks in a row with games in the 210's.  Now, I'm lucky if I throw a consistent set.  But I've also never thrown multiple 700's in the same few week stretch, and now I have.  When things click, it really shows.  And yes, my pin action is much better now.  I am carrying multiple light hits and heavier hits.  I had one season where I only tripped 1 four pin in roughly 95 games.  Over the last summer I carried at least one a week.  

Needless to say, I'm frustrated in my inconsistency.  I practice 2 times a week, and bowl league on Sundays.  I feel good in practice, then come league it's like night and day.  

What have you guys done when the going gets rough?  I'm a rather patient guy, but this is starting to wear on me.  Is this the normal learning curve for switching years of muscle memory?  Should I just keep doing what I'm doing?  Or should I try something different and new?

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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2008, 10:45:42 AM »
I am having the same problem, I have been shooting the same way, working on changing my game and have had my best and worst series over the past two years in the first seven weeks of league.  I am finding that while my strike percentage is tending to move up that I am inconsistent on my spares, Thursday league I did not miss any makeable spares, last night I missed 4.  

My resolve is that I need to spend a little time focusing on spare shooting and remember to relax at the line.  

Hang in there, I am sure all your hard work will pay off.  



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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2008, 11:31:20 AM »

I am in a similar position but I did it without a coach. Plus I went from 4 to 4 1/2 or 5 steps. My objective was to synch up my revs and ball speed. My average, right now, is quite a bit lower, even though I started this in the summer. I am also extremely frustrated but friends have been very supportive. One good bowler friend who also has a sharp coach's eye told me I am doing the right things. So I know all I have to do is continue to stay with it and make the changes my permanent delivery. It's hard, very hard for me because I changed so much. I know the pay-off will be worth it.

Heck, I even have to redrill ALL the balls I am using because almost everything has changed, including PAP and tilt. Bet you don't have to do that!
AND remember how much older I am than you!!

Just stick with it, IF, and here's the clincher, you believe that the changes are the right thing for you.

Regarding practice: make them short, like 45 minutes at most (That's from the great coach, Susie Minshew, of Bowling This Month), and practice every shot in a focused manner. Focus on one thing at a time.

Good luck.

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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2008, 01:24:21 PM »
Hang in there.  It takes time and more time.  It took me a couple of years to implement the changes I was working on.  One day everything finally sync'd up and viola.
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2008, 01:38:31 PM »
it takes a lot of practice... So far this season, my average is up to 205 in my Sunday night league. For the last year and a half, my average was always in the 180 range because I couldn't stay consistent enough. I practiced quite a bit during the summer on many different conditions, including the extremes and my consistency is way up.

It took me more than a year to finally get everything in sync, it just takes time... Practice makes perfect is not the way to live by, Perfect Practice makes Perfect
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2008, 01:54:44 PM »

its not unusual to go down in avergae while learning new bowling techniques. I don't agree with the 4 step approach, but coaches I've had also recommended the 4 step approach to help timing.  I think it you tried the 4 1/2 to 5 step approach with the free pendulum swing, you will feel more comfortable.  A 4 1/2 step approack is just a starter step and not a full first step of just put your first foot a little in front as if it were a starter step and then start your 4 step approach.

I worked out with Charlest this summer and his knowledge of the game is outstanding.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2008, 02:19:56 PM »
I agree with Nic.  It is not unusual to go down to average at the beginning.  I usually do not recommend changing during the middle of a season.  I believe the reason it was suggested to go down to 4 steps is simply because you are a stroker with low rev rate.  Having a 4 step approach helps keep the armswing and footwork solid and simple.  I like to see 5 step approaches on bowlers who have higher rev rates so that they can help achieve more ball speed to match the rev rate.  With that said, there are only 2 options:

1.  Go back to what you were doing with the 5 step if you believe you will become more consistent and get you mentally in a better place or

2.  Accept what is going on with the transition from 5 step down to 4 step and ride it out.  Give it until the end of the year (Christmas time).  If you do not see any improvement, go back to what feels natural.

IMO, it is easier to go from 4 steps to 5 steps than it is to drop from 5 down to 4.  The reason being, is that when you drop down, you almost get the feeling you are cramped in a smaller area and afraid of going over the foul line.  You feel constricted.  My only suggestion, is that if you feel like the 5 step is best for you, simply practice your arm swing feeling like the ball is swinging your arm instead of your arm swinging the ball.  This is something you can do at home as well.  You dont have to be at a center to practice this.  The more repetition, the more natural it will become.  

There are times whether at home, work, or walking down a hallway somewhere, I will mimick armswing with footwork mentally telling myself relaxation and timing.  You can do that as well.  The more you do things like this, the better you will become.
Steven Vance
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If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2008, 02:50:23 PM »
Been here before, believe me. It's tough when things are going wrong.

The first thing you can do is go to your coach. Talk to him about alternatives or about what is going on and see if maybe he can make a minor adjustment with your game to help out.

The other thing is, you can always try getting a second opinion. Go to another coach and tell them what your problem is and see if they can help you out.
High rev rate (400-450 rpm)
Semi-high speed (16-17 mph)
Book average: 193 (current 236)

For a game based on the principles of science and math, bowling sure does have a bad habit of being illogical.


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2008, 05:40:10 PM »
I have worked with different coaches through the years, my take is you will go down for a little while but if you have not picked up the new techinque within say 4-5 weeks lose that coach quick.

Better coaches will be able to convey why they are changing you and what the goal is and roughly how long it will take. In fact I just wrote to my friend and former coach Billy Hall, I am looking to work with him again when and if he returns to the states. I have easily 80 hours in with him, he is by far the best coach there is even with slugs like me.

At first he is so dang smart you will have your head falling off from his ways and unique teaching prospective. He will not make any rational sense to you for the first hour of something he sees and adapts to your game. Notice I said adapts to your game here, too many coaches do not know how to change teaching to work with a challenging student like me with my shot left knee.

Billy stuck with me trust me 40 hours there was little improvement, he then created a program just for me and after many moons of practice i finally got alot of it. Some of his teaching took 2 years to fully come around, not his fault i just plain out that bad.

I am still as my teammates say a statue of liberty style of bowling but I can bowl with about anyone and be ok, if i shot 10 pins better and had better wheels I would be a regional player.

Try another coach or better yet go too a clinic with someone that is top notch like Billy Hall or Ron Clifton. Look for a guy named Bill Holt teaching he is taught by Billy on his methods and is an awesome instructor.

Edited on 10/12/2008 5:45 PM


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2008, 05:58:26 PM »
I also went through the same problems a few years ago. I went into having a coach to work on the game I had to take it to the next step. We went back about two or three steps and then came back up. It was really upsetting knowing where I was compared to where the coach had me at. Once we put it all together I am at a higher average and also when I am into it I am more consistent. Hang in there it does take time to complete things and see the final picture.


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2008, 11:06:54 AM »
Last time i made major changes in my game it took almost 1 1/2 years to get it the way i wanted without thinking about it. It will pay off in the long run.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2008, 11:15:32 AM »
I've done all my best improvements under the watchful eye of coaches(Including in golf where 1 coach turned my lessons into accomplishments I'll always cherish,....the same in bowling).

When I do it myself I just start to fritter around with all sorts of experiments!

A coach keeps me on TRACK!

A bunch of years ago I worked with a guy who was just the rage of the area where I was.  He was changing everyone from 5 to 4 steps and having us even mix in 3 steps in our practice!

His results for awhile for many were phenomenal.  Many 800s etc for tryers who had never done so.

I tried it....and even though I have been told my physique is more conducive to 5 step I did see the merits of a freeer arm swing.  In general I was night I walked into league with my trusty Revolution Rebel ECX.... and my fairly new 4 step approach....threw a great practice game and then started out with 16 of the first 17.  Unfortunately I had a new smaller insert in my thumbhole.....there was a lane/equipment delay my thumb swelled ...had to switch balls and returned to earth!

This wonderful teacher has since passed away....his disciples have mostly gone back to 5 steps and I continue to experiment and fritter away without guidance.

Stick with A coach!  If this is not the right one....find another one who's philosophy you like!


PS amazing what the right matchup can accomplish!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 10/13/2008 11:17 AM
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2008, 12:26:37 PM »
Thank you for the kind words everybody.  I appreciate the support.

I do agree with my coach, and his philosophy of me going from 5 to 4 steps.  It definitely freed up my armswing, it also straightened it out.  I used to sort of "walk around the ball" instead of have it drop to my side.  To be honest, the 4 step approach feels insanely natural to me.  I felt the difference in my game and the serious lack of hitches in it all.  It definitely feels more natural than my 5 step approach.  I've since tried the 5 steps again, and it's a train wreck lol.  

But I like what was said, 45 minute practice session.  I'm going to hit up a few houses and practice for only 45 minutes TOPS.  I'll focus on each shot, I'll remember to keep lose, keep my chin up, and learn from it.  

My dad says I'm psyching myself out, which is probably true.  I think what I'm going to do is stop practicing on the PBA shots.  I know that sounds silly, but until I'm confident I can throw up a 200 every game on a THS again, I'm going to let the tough stuff take a back seat.  

And whoever deduced this, I am indeed a stroker with very little revs.  But I was also rolling at roughly 14MPH at the pin I'm up to 15.5-16.  The carry is awesome to watch.  I've never slapped a 9 or 10 pin like I have before it's so so so fun to watch!

I will practice twice this week on a THS, 45 minutes a pop, then go into league with a fresh look.  And updates will follow.  Thanks again everybody for the support!
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2008, 12:48:53 PM »

Don't forge THE most important factor: confidence.
If you don't believe it will work, it won't.
"Trust is a must or your game is a bust." - Billy Welu.
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2008, 02:56:50 PM »

Don't forge THE most important factor: confidence.
If you don't believe it will work, it won't.
"Trust is a must or your game is a bust." - Billy Welu.
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Amen Jeff...huge Amen.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."