I went to practice last night. I did the 45 minutes thing, which translated into 4 games. The first game I wasn't doing anything other than getting a feel for the lanes and making sure my newly re-drilled gear fit alright.
Then games 2 3 and 4, I tried. I focused on keeping my chin up (literally) during my approach, so I can be more balanced at the foul line. First game, split for a 9 count total, then the next 8 in a row. I was really happy with how balanced I was, and how I kept hitting the 10 board at at the arrows. All my strikes and reactions except one looked identical, and that made me very happy. The one I missed, I tugged inside 2 boards, but the THS kept it on target. I felt loose, my body wasn't twisting or turning, and I was sticking my landing. This game I bowled with my newly re-drilled RICO T-Road Pearl
Next game, I switched balls to something more skid-flippy, my Pyro. I felt good throwing it, and got some pretty good reactions here. I got a bit less consistent this game. I found myself rushing my feet a bit compared to game 1, where everything was in sync. I think I was focusing too much on my mechanics than actually doing them, if that makes sense. The first half of the game I was all detail oriented, the second half I wasn't and it went better. I could definitely feel that I was muscling the ball in the beginning.
Third game I switched balls again to my Neptune, re-drilled as well. The ball feels like the pitch on the thumb is a bit off I felt like I was getting hung up in the ball too much. But that's another chat for another time. This game was by far my worst mechanically. I wasn't sticking my landing, and b/c I was all hurky jerky (at least I think) my slide knee started to get a bit sore. The first and second game when I had a nice deep knee bend, it didn't hurt at all. I think I was twisting and turning too much, and trying to force my body to do something that didn't feel right. I definitely felt like I was getting more tense through my motions. I may have been bowling too quickly, but I'm not sure. My form was very inconsistent, and it showed in my reaction. Good balls I threw had the Neptune going further down lane before breaking. When my form was all screwed up, the ball picked up REALLY early and just headed for the nose. I wasn't bending my knee at the foul line, I wasn't keeping my head straight. Basically the good things that helped me the first two games were gone, and I'm wondering if in league I'm just not paying attention to these things. I worry so much about ball reaction that maybe I should worry about the operator.
Sorry for the long post

Thanks though!
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