Welcome to the forums! Not matching up well with brands has happened to the vast majority of us. There are also times where we throw a brand we like and still don't match up.
In my case, the EBI brands were ok but didn't match up as well as I wanted. Here, the balls from Track turned out to be more condition specific than I wanted. A good example of this was the 919C. The more I used it, the more I found out I was limited. The 505T turned out to be a good ball and I retired it at the end of last season. Hammer was ok but ran into overlap with my existing arsenal.
For Storm and Roto Grip, I've had success with them. 2 of my favorites from Roto Grip are the Critical Theory and Nomad Dagger, and I still throw these as needed. The Storm Virtual Gravity Nano was good but even with surface changes, it was still a bit more angular than I wanted. I sold that and went with the Roto Grip Defiant which works better for me.
On the other hand, the Storm Anarchy was hit or miss. When leaving it at box finish, it performed well, provided that I had enough oil to use it. Sanding it for heavier volumes gave me a ton of over/under.
With Motiv, I really like what I see so far. The Sigma Sting (just discontinued this week) has been one of the best benchmark balls I've ever thrown. That ball just works. The Covert Revolt is really nice on some heavier volume and provides a smooth, predictable reaction. Box finish was slightly longer than I wanted on some patterns but sanding to 2000 gave me exactly what I wanted.
Before giving up on a brand, always try some surface changes first. Box surfaces do not always work for everyone. This is also why it's important to go to a good pro shop that will take the time to see how you bowl, take the proper measurements (PAP, pitches, etc), and ask about your game. As long as the shop does this, there is less chance you'll end up with something that doesn't match up for your game.