I'm glad to see that Brunswick's intentions appear to be honest, and am impressed that two of their exec's actually bothered to post to this forum. Good luck, Doc!
On a slightly different note, though, this discussion did bring up a concern I had after purchasing and receiving a bottle of the Elixir. I have three small children at home, and my wife and I are always concerned about potentially toxic materials we bring into our home. Although the Elixir does contain a warning about not consuming the product, it doesn't state anything about procedures in the event of accidental ingestion. For example, materials that are petroleum based usually indicate so, and state "Do Not Induce Vomiting," as these products burn the mucosal lining of the mouth and throat when ingested, and would cause further burning if regurgitated.
For the sake of any concerned parents purchasing your product, Doc, it would be nice if you listed at least some basic first aid info in the event of accidental ingestion or contact with the eyes.