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Author Topic: Mental Chaos!!!  (Read 711 times)


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Mental Chaos!!!
« on: April 12, 2004, 11:44:48 PM »
Hi, As always I need your advice about something!!!!

I am playing a new league in a center I have never played before, The fact is that the machine puts a normal ammount of oil between the 30 and the 10 (34-36ft long not sure) .. AND approx. on the 10 (8 to 12) the machine puts a HUGE FLOOD of oil (its kinda broken thats what other experienced players say)... Well, I am on my third day and I CANT get a good strike shot, if I try to play inside the ball gets the 10 board and gets trapped there and goes and goes and goes, no breakpoint or hook, REVS like hell on a stright line... And if I play outside (on 5) I get some decent shots, but thats the 1rst game and the second half of the 2nd... Later the ball starts to roll out or go brooklyn...

I've been told to open the ball to the 5 but playing inside (Some do that but I cant get the ball to hook back and I am not really sure on what to do) others say that I should try to play better on the outside (Dont know well were to stand or move)... But really, I cant play my GOOD game in this center... I have played in other centers without any problems, but here... Its horrible...

I know I am going to learn a lot on this strange-hard condition (no 210+ avgs on any league there).. But I need all the help I can get...
Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
Smarter than the average Bear!!!



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Re: Mental Chaos!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2004, 11:19:13 PM »
Thanks Ragnar, I am going to try that inside angle you told me.. I hope that doesnt leave any 5's

I wish I had an aggresive coverstock ball...

Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
Smarter than the average Bear!!!


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Re: Mental Chaos!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2004, 12:22:36 AM »
If the area around the 10 board is flooded, AND the ball you have won't hook there, but is too much for the dry area outside, around 5 board, you've described your own possible solutions.

1. Use more speed to play 5 board as the break point or use a milder ball to get there so it reacts less trongly off the breakpoint area.

2. As Ragnar started to suggest, play a breakpoint just inside of 10 board, the flooded point. The ABC shot is often like this or often needs to be played like this.  Sometimes you need a slightly stronger ball and play a fade shot (small hook playing inside 4th arrow or where it is comfortable using whatever ball you have, using the 11/12 board as a breakpoint.

3. Use a stronger ball and play a small hook around the flooded area.

4. Watch what successful scorers do to go thru or around this flood and imitate them.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
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