What's really important for the mental game is
a) confidence
b) concentration
c) being familiar with the situation.
a) VERY important. Attitude is everything. Think weak, be weak. If you doubt that you will make the next 10 pin, you will surely fail and pull yourself down even more. BE positive, whatever your next task is and how impossible it might look like.
Have a positive outlook on whatever you do - it helps a lot. Even if you miss, you still can tell yourself you did well and tried your best - try harder next time... and focus on the next task. learn from mistakes, but do not dwell upon them, at least in league or tournament.
b) is another critical factor. Focus on the situation and execution, not the outcome in itself is IMHO also very helpful
c) That's what training is for. If you knwo you have trouble with extreme inside and outside line, practice them! And do not look at results, just check how good you coped with the situation or how quickly you found a solution. Being flexible with your game calms down a lot, and also helps with a) and b), and you get to know your equipment better

Personally, I wonder why so many bowler just play for results, even in training, and rarley work on their weak game parts like spare shooting or "different" lines they are not familiar with.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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Edited on 8/13/2008 8:14 AM