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Author Topic: Mental game, how to improve it?  (Read 1767 times)


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Mental game, how to improve it?
« on: August 12, 2008, 07:07:35 AM »
i think im a half decent bowler, i know my equipment, a ok physical game with consistency and i do have enough resources to play most part of the lanes except the extreme inside and outside

however, when the time comes, i suck and stink up the whole center

any idea on how to prepare that aspect of my game?

When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.



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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 03:34:56 PM »
The easiest way to prepare for it is to just accept that it IS going to happen sometimes.  No one is that damn good to never have a bad night.  Having an idea about why things went wrong helps alot too.

I notice that you don't know how to play the extreme inside and outside.  Learning how to opens up more options for adjustments and can possibly decrease the frequency of bad nights.  Until last year, I could not, would not and refused to play any further right than 15.  I learned how to and most importantly why I need to.  It's given me more ways to attack the lane.

But, even with all the adjustments in the world will not prevent you from having a bad night every once in a while.  As long as you can leave knowing that you at least tried....there will always be next week.
I don't mean to be high speed/high rev, I was just born that way.

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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 03:55:39 PM »
Evil is correct. Bowling bad is a part of the game. But to be a great bowler it all comes down to the mental game. what sets people apart is the mental game. anyone is fine when they are throwing the ball great, cant miss and scoring well. what makes people great are those who can bounce back and get through a rough set or league night. its going to happen so that is the first step to a better mental game. practicing it is the other. you have to keep your emotions in check and make sure you are thinking every shot.

it doesnt matter if it is league practice or a tournament you have to know what you are doing and are about to do every shot. if you go practice and dont think and concentrate about what you are doing and what you are trying to improve there is no use in practicing. i know that sounds harsh but its a fact.

practice should be the same as when you are in league a tournament or any other time you bowl.

make sure you have a pre-shot routine that is the same and repeatable. this forces you to think about what is going on and getting you started for the shot. and after the shot if it happens to be a bad on leave it on the lane say what you want at the pins but if you come back and still pissed off about the previous shot before you throw the next one your chances are that much less to make a good one.

i hope this helps.


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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2008, 04:00:23 PM »
Didn't you say the opposite...can only play inside or out??


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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 05:15:24 PM »
He said EXCEPT the inside or outside.
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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 05:48:21 PM »
He said EXCEPT the inside or outside.
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Funny, that's exactly how I read it.  
I don't mean to be high speed/high rev, I was just born that way.

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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2008, 06:20:35 PM »
You have to tell yourself that you are the only one who can control your game no one elase can regardless of their average. Pre shot routine same each and every ball regardless of first ball or spare ball , it will tend to put you in a comfort zone doing it the same every time
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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2008, 06:50:39 PM »
A good mental game:

1. React to what the lane is telling you.
2. Dont react to anything else.

The exceptance that the best you can do is to throw it the best you can and sometimes that will be good enough but many more times it wont. Simply stay relaxed, listen to the lane and not to anything or anyone else.

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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2008, 07:13:32 PM »
Most people either don't think or think too much.

The biggest secret to a good mental game is the old saying "one ball at a time".

Make your whole focus the one ball you are going to throw next.   The last one you threw doesn't exist anymore and the next frame hasn't got there yet.    If your mind is wandering between the last ball and the next, you're sunk.

I like that.
I don't mean to be high speed/high rev, I was just born that way.

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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2008, 08:14:26 AM »
What's really important for the mental game is
a) confidence
b) concentration
c) being familiar with the situation.

a) VERY important. Attitude is everything. Think weak, be weak. If you doubt that you will make the next 10 pin, you will surely fail and pull yourself down even more. BE positive, whatever your next task is and how impossible it might look like.
Have a positive outlook on whatever you do - it helps a lot. Even if you miss, you still can tell yourself you did well and tried your best - try harder next time... and focus on the next task. learn from mistakes, but do not dwell upon them, at least in league or tournament.

b) is another critical factor. Focus on the situation and execution, not the outcome in itself is IMHO also very helpful

c) That's what training is for. If you knwo you have trouble with extreme inside and outside line, practice them! And do not look at results, just check how good you coped with the situation or how quickly you found a solution. Being flexible with your game calms down a lot, and also helps with a) and b), and you get to know your equipment better

Personally, I wonder why so many bowler just play for results, even in training, and rarley work on their weak game parts like spare shooting or "different" lines they are not familiar with.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Edited on 8/13/2008 8:14 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2008, 08:22:31 AM »
Sometimes a good read helps, too. Dean Hinitz's Focused for Bowling is a great easy read for helping the mental game. It helped me.


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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2008, 08:40:46 AM »
100% agree with Dizzy!

I see so many times my friends and also myself being caught in a spiral of
"Well there you have it I can't do it" - of course you don't make it then
"See! Told you"

Next time:

"Oh! not again! I didn't make it last time... how should it be different now?"
Again... does not work out!

The trick is to stay positive imho and really as already said take each ball at a time and concentrate on that specific task in from of you.
Wether it is to get the ball into the pocket good and clean for a strike or take out a single pin or get a complicated spare done!

and then it is all about training - get experience - having fun.

the more fun you have the more likly you will carry that positive feeling... that positiv emotion into the next throw/frame/game even training session.

Lately I have a lot of frustration and stress at work and happened to go to training with an "not today... I don't want to" attitude.
Guess what? In those training session it took me at least two or even more games to get down... get relaxed and score good.
And then I had league days I was as a sub there and had to play right away and scored high from the first game simply by getting me into a "Let's get EM!" attitude and staying positive.

And that is one aspect you have to train, too. Keeping the attitude and if necessary getting you going again.
Sebastian Koch
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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2008, 11:46:45 AM »
I personally could feel less one way or another about being positive or negative. Most people however, do better when in a positive attitude. I take the standpoint of, I need to figure out what I need to do, and then do it. Scores and the like don't matter. If I execute, the score will come. And if my score is better then whatever they put up, I win. I can't do anything about their scores, so why let winning/losing really get to you. If you feel that you executed the shots you wanted to, and you were correct about what you needed to do, then your score will reflect it, and thats the only one you can determine. The only reason I even pay attention to the other bowlers is to help read the lane. when they say "listen to what the lane tells you" it's not just how the lane reacts to your ball, but how it reacts to everyone's ball. You'll find that watching the other people can give you some extra insight, and will even boost your confidence as to knowing what YOU need to do.
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Re: Mental game, how to improve it?
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2008, 03:46:00 PM »
sorry to create confusion, when i meant extreme inside and outside means

i cant throw the ball to the 3rd board and break at the 3rd board, because first no matter how i kill the ball, and second, i play on a short pattern house shot, thats simply not possible for me

i cant play extreme inside, i dont think i have enough revs and speed to wheel it across the boards, on my current situation i might not be able to play farther than 22-23 board.

so, im good basically from the first arrow to the fourth, and comfortable reallocating my break-point.

on edit: btw, thanks for the inputs guys
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.

Edited on 8/13/2008 3:46 PM