This really gets my goat (so to speak)

During league, you hate to be anti-social so you mix and mingle a little with your teammates. You bowl great the first game. Feel good about it and the prospect your evening will be successful. STOP!!! Your second game resembles that of a 110 average bowler!! All of a sudden you're throwing the ball too slow. You forget how to adjust to the changing lanes. You start thinking too much as you've all of a sudden forgot how to bowl. Prior to the 3rd game, you slap yourself upside the head reminding yourself it's only a game and to relax. Before you know it, you're back on track. After all is said and done, you're kicking yourself in the arse because you became complacent and lazy.
Why is it so frustrating to maintain focus in such an environment without taking GINKOBA? ...

Why are you more apt to enter a 'mental stupor' during leagues as opposed to tournaments (it can happen there as well)? If we didn't place so much pressure on ourselves to constantly excel at the game, wouldn't the higher scores come more often? What are your thoughts?
Caring people make a difference!!! All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing