This is a finale on the ACETONE subject. :-)
This is in reference to your e-mail of September 4, 2004.
Acetone (nail polish remover) cannot be used on a bowling ball at any
time. The use of nail polish which contains acetone is unacceptable
because it can soften or change the surface hardness of the ball.
If a bowler is using nail polish remover or any unacceptable product
during sanctioned competition, a warning should be issued to the bowler
and the ball so altered must be removed from further competition. If the
bower refused to cease, the games after the warning are subject to
forfeiture. If the bowler is shown to have had prior knowledge of
his/her actions were in violation of Rule 18. the game(s) in which the
violation occurred is subject to forfeiture. In addition, the bowler is
subject to dismissal from the league under Rule 115a.
You can use an acceptable ball cleaner that has been approved by
ABC/WIBC before, during or after games provided the league or tournament
rules do not prohibit this practice..
Rubbing alcohol is a inexpensive acceptable cleaner that can be used
before, during or after games provided the league or tournament rules do
not prohibit this practice.
Rubbing alcohol is recommended to clean a bowling ball. Tests have
shown, even under prolonged use, rubbing alcohol will not change the
surface hardness of a ball. Also, it evaporates quickly, is
inexpensive, readily available and cleans the ball well of oil and dirt.
Ball polishing machines are also acceptable as they merely bring the
ball back to its original condition.
The web site listed below has a list of acceptable and not acceptable
ball cleaners and polishes.
The list is located in the ABC/WIBC specifications and certifications.
The determination of "acceptable use" is, the product must not soften
the ball surface. Acceptable cleaners are products meant to clean the
ball surface.
Feel free to contact us should you have additional questions regarding
this matter by replying to this e-mail.
John Budnik,
Rules Counselor

You're only as good as your last shot. -- Duke Harding