Welcome to reality.....the manufacturers are making such good mid-range equipment you do not NEED high end equipment.
There are 2 segments of today's average league bowler that need the advantages of the high end equipment...
1. Rocketman Stan...you know the type...Mr "My Ball Won't Hook" at 25 MPH
2. Percy Pussknuckler (thanks Mo, love the term)...aka dump and chuck, knuckles up, fudge knuckler...no hand what so ever...lower rev rate than a stalled car engine
For the rest of us the low and mid range stuff is money on house conditions. I have several customers who bowl strictly on house conditions, average 220+ and use nothing but vibes, power grooves, freezes and storm's hot line.
I mean seriously folks...if you are a THS bowler, 90% of us could make do with those last 3 balls I mentioned and save yourself some money...
Storm Fast....skid/ flip ball for mediums
Storm Furious....picks up sooner than the Fast and will take more oil
Storm Natural...perfect for when the shot gets jumpy and can be used for spares
I sell each of those balls for $141 out the door with inserts and slug. If you buy all 3 at once you get the 10% multi-ball discount and you have a full arsenal for $380.70 plus sales tax.
Who needs more?
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling
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