Or I could have cried for them it was so pitiful!
Stopped by a local center and watched some statewide bowling studs look like fools!!!!
Condition was supposed to be setup for Junior Golds, (I don't know I guess some tournament that has a tough condition).
As I walked up I noticed many scores near the 10th frame in the 110 to 130 area and many gutters being thrown as I walked up! Maybe 4 in two frames up and down 10 lanes.
REleases of all the players looked "Powerful". I could imagine many averaging near 220 on league type conditions.
My guess as to the pattern would have been a 1 to 1 slightly less than 2 to 1.
One great looking ball revving player said only 30 foot shot with lots of carrydown.
It looked like throw what you get. Swing it 12 to 10 and you hit

?, the 6 pin!
Throw 10 to 12 and you catch a piece of the head pin.
One thing I did notice is that most of these players were throwing 17 mph with good strong revs and getting nothing but skid. Saw one slow junior lady bowler throwing about 11 mph with about 4 revs and she had as much backend as anyone!
My observation! Several old timers watching were in near ecstasy! I think there have been a few orgasms!!!! (Not there kid bowling)
1."Why this is the way bowling is supposed to be!"
2."When I bowled this is what we played on!".
3."This will teach these young pups to be versatile like we were".
4."This is what scoring should be all about"
My answers to all these comments.
1. Bullsh.., it was pitiful one score over 200 in the whole time I was there
1 1/2 games.
2. Bullsh.., You never saw so much oil in your life, you just didn't have carry, it was easy to hit the pocket.
3. Half Bullsh...., there was a way to bowl better.
4. Definitely Bullsh.... Embarassing junior bowlers so they want to quit the game is no way to encourage the sport of bowling. Plain nasty and much tougher than things I have seen televised on the PBA. Or personally thrown on World team challenge shots or PBA proams(supposedly sport).
I believe that item 3 they will develop versatility is half right.
These players "A" game was a high speed high rev game(in general) which would create very high scores on a tapered league crown.
It appeared that a way to play this shot would be to throw very slowly while nearly maintaining revs! I've seen in many of the leagues or tournament where I've bowled when they've gone in to FTL mode (Flood the lefties") shots very similar to this. A 12 mph shot with near normal revs works great!
Except for a little gray hair I wish I could have slipped in and shown the juniors how this is done. A nice little 580 would have probably made me the winner by about 40 to 50 pins. Passing me off as a junior anymore, long gone!
The Good Old days Bah Humbug, was never this tricky!!!