I am currently getting close to ending our summer league and the ball list was unreal.After only having a week to decide on about 40 balls i narrowed my choices down to: A LIST B LIST
1.storm dimension 1.ogre pearl
2.track uprising 2.brunswick swarm
I have a ball speed of about 16mph and a really good rev rate.I like to really open the ball up but I also like to play a simple up and in shot as well.I ended up going with the Storm Dimension and the Ogre Pearl.I liked the reviews on them all but I felt these two would compliment my style.I have never used a Storm ball and felt it was time to give them a shot.I currently have a Roto-Grip Destiny that I absolutely love and a Terminator...which on good days is an awesome ball and sometimes not so awesome but the Destiny gives me a look like no other ball.I was looking for a good pearl as well and the reviews were so good on the Ogre pearl how could I not want one.I do hope I made the right decision on my choices.Any feedback would be great.