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Author Topic: Forearm-elbow direction after release indicate the axis rotation used?  (Read 528 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 77
Hi guys, is the above question correct?
I am noticing a few bowlers with different forearm and elbow direction during the followthrough and their axis rotation (all right handed). I put a sticker on their PAP.

My observation was:
Bowler A : Forearm went up and elbow close to ear (straight) = around 45 axis rotation
Bowler B : Forearm went inside (left) and elbow out (giving slightly > shape) = around 80-90 degree axis rotation

Bowler C : Forearm went out (slightly to right) and elbow straight(close to ear) = 25-30 degrees axis rotation.

Anyone especially experienced or certified coaches please share your opinion.

You dont have to be "Micheal Jordan" to be a coach.