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Author Topic: voted out of league  (Read 4617 times)


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voted out of league
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:24:32 AM »
I was asked to bowl in a trio league this fall.  The center had 3 leagues that did not make so they merged them into one doubles league.  The doubles league was a mixed league with one male and one female bowler each.  Since I was the odd person for the trio I needed a partner and there were 2 ladies and 3 guys.  The ladies did not want to split up so the center held a vote and the and the league voted to keep it m/f.  So now all of us are not going to bowl that were left.  What a pain in the neck. 
This guy walks up to me and introduces himself and his wife and asked if I was bowling tonight?  I told him no you just voted me out of the league!  The look on his face was priceless.

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Edited by Smash49 on 9/13/2011 at 8:33 AM
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Bill Thomas

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 11:44:44 AM »
Did you try to get another woman to be your partner or did you, as many people do, expect the center or the league to find you a partner?


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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 11:56:34 AM »
 This by no means, mean you were voted out of league.


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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 12:17:56 PM »
Yer kind ain't welcome in these parts!  Best get out of town by sundown, if'n ya knows what's good fer ya!

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T Brockette

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 12:52:55 PM »
Since Smash 49 owns, or used to own a center, I am pretty sure he didn't expect the center or the league to find him another partner...

Bill Thomas wrote on 9/13/2011 11:44 AM:
Did you try to get another woman to be your partner or did you, as many people do, expect the center or the league to find you a partner?

Tracy B.
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Mighty Fish

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 01:24:41 PM »
This is hardly the same as being voted out of a league as per provisions of USBC Rule 115.


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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2011, 02:27:42 PM »
In our league on friday nights for 5 people they had an average cap of 1000 which held every team that had been bowling on the league for years.  This year one of the teams came into the league meeting knowing they were 6 pins over the avg cap and wanted us to raise the cap to fit them.  I stood up for the cap being the cap and what good is it if the cap is raised to allow the teams all the time. Guy said that if we don't vote to raise it he and his team wont be bowling this year as they have every year for the last 5 years so everyone voted to raise it. And not by 10 pins to make them fit... NOOOO... they raised it to 1050!!! lol  
Just goes to show some league meetings are useless!!! 

Jesse James

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 02:39:48 PM »
@ raincowboy: that in no way means the rules or the meeting are useless. It just means you were over-ruled by a democratic majority, which is the way most meetings go.


You could have re-phrased or re-submitted a proposal to "grandfather" them in, along with any other longstanding team of note. Obviously, other bowlers felt that the team with the 5 year tenure had value to the league.


We had a similar situation in my Monday league. My team, plus three other teams were over the cap. They voted to grandfather us in. We have been with this league since 1992. The guy who proposed that all teams over the cap should disband, and/or leave was met with disbelief by the majority. He had been a member for all of three years.

His motion garnered all of two votes. but that's the Democratic way.

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 03:22:59 PM »
There are a couple of points here for discussion.  When merging a league what actually happens?  Why should I go out and find a woman to bowl in the league with me?  I understand the center has no obligation for doing this but I also had no plans for bowling like this either.  The league was well within it's rights to stay with it's rules.  It would take time for me to find someone to bowl with if I ever did.  That would leave me behind and responsible technically for funds(possibly).  As a point 5 bowlers are now left without a league to bowl in on that night.  I guess it is better to have some than none.  Two teams does not make a league.  Some things could have been done to make arrangements but the league stood by their rules.  So after the vote it left us out of the league and not bowling on Wednesday nights.  In an attempt to save bowlers the center still lost bolers which is a bad thing.

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Eddie M

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2011, 06:52:13 PM »
You weren't voted out of the league, so much as you were the odd man out.  It sucks that your original league didn't make, and you were separated from your original team.  The house changed the format on you and should have tried to make it right.  I have been in the same situation before, and it blows, but what can ya do?
 When it comes to capped leagues, the cap is the cap.  The team knows what the cap is before the league starts, and if they knowingly show up on week 1 over the cap, they deserve what they get.  That may sound harsh, but every other team on the league built their roster based on that cap.  When a team gets in being over the cap, they are taking unfair advantage of every other team.  You knew the rules in advance, follow them.

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2011, 08:08:05 PM »
What cap????   We had no idea going in it was a mixed doubles league.  There was no cap for average or score.  It was just the league format and some of us literally got voted out of the league because we didn't have teams that met the format and the league would not adjust or make a change to let us bowl.  Problem is that 3 leagues merged into 1 league because of lack of interest and some of us could not bowl because of the leagues rules.   We had no idea and it was our only option.  We did not plan anything and had no idea.   All we were told was well you can try another night.  So if you are planning to bowl a new league and commit to 16 or more weeks and this happens it is a big let down. It's a shame that some people are not flexible.  And yes we were voted out of the league!

Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with SLSM Designs Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
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Eddie M

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2011, 10:47:46 AM »
The capped comment was directed at another posters comments.  
You said 3 leagues were folded into one in order to get at least 1 of the 3 leagues going.  From what you have said, it sounds like there were 3 different leagues starting up.  Not enough people showed up, so those 3 were folded into 1 by the house.  That one league was a mixed doubles league.  Of the people from those leagues, 5 weren't able to form a team and were left out in the cold.  It sucks, I have been in that same position before.  But it's not like you were halfway thru a season, and the teams all voted you out of a league you were an active participant in.  There's a big difference.

Visionary Test Staff 07-08
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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2011, 11:13:05 AM »
Smash, were you allowed an opportunity to participate in the rules generating for the newly formed league?  Was there an opportunity to suggest 3 member teams or something to that effect that would have allowed you to participate?  The way I see it, when the 2 other leagues joined the one doubles league, a new meeting needed to be conducted to decide the rules for that new league.

I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on


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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2011, 03:17:51 PM »
Yep that's exactly what happened.  It sucked but you re right that it's better than 16 weeks in.  We did get to vote but naturally the league that actually had made that we we're going to join out voted everyone.  Not much was even discussed or alternatives.  They didn't even give it a thought.  Oh well I would have rather had a sanctioned league anyway.
Sorry Eddie :)  I was looking at the thread going huh...

Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with SLSM Designs Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
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On Further Review

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Re: voted out of league
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2011, 01:15:19 PM »
16 weeks in and they wouldn't have been able to vote you out without going through a series of dismissal meetings.

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