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Author Topic: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?  (Read 5780 times)


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milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« on: November 08, 2008, 01:04:53 PM »
I believe I am missing one type of reaction in my arsenal. A ball that has a relatively mild coverstock, yet plows through the pins with very little deflection. Is there any consensus on which ball might be considered a very hard hitting ball, despite a relatively mild or non-aggressive coverstock?

In other words... something stronger than plastic, but not a lot. With an aggressive core and mild coverstock? Is there such an animal?

I want it to get down the lane and have minimal movement, but plow through pins ---presuming it's on target.



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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2008, 09:07:54 PM »
X-Factor Deuce


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 09:09:32 PM »
Street Rod Solid or Pearl
Any of the Vibes
Avalache Solid or Pearl

My Arsenal:
Twisted Fury
Raw Hammer Pain
Blue Vibe

Joe Jr

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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 09:12:46 PM »
Neptune, Ogre SS, Avalanche and Avalanche Slide are all weaker balls but have cores so they should have some more power then pancake cored balls.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2008, 09:15:53 PM »
One would assume that any ball that is aggressive enough to allow it to continue through the pins with minimum/proper deflection (which is actually what causes the ball to "hit like a truck")is also going to have perhaps more grab in the backend than you are asking for.

Of course, you also know what "assume" really means so take the above statement with a grain of salt.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2008, 09:48:49 PM »
My personal Favorite is the smash time solid, and possibly the brown bash. The raid works well too, but it's a little stronger than what I think you might be looking for...

I'd go with a smash time if you can find one. Seriously.
Bakersfield, California

Robb's Pro Shops

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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2008, 10:26:32 PM »
Actually... I have a Raid and have had a lot of success with it until recently.

Either the pattern has changed (at my favorite center), or I'm just not throwing as hard, but the majority of my shots are making their move early. Unusual as I have always been speed dominant player, and used to be very frustrated when I couldn't get enough movement out of a ball.

I have older equipment that consists of balls that WERE very aggressive in their day (Storm Triple X, for instance), but they don't seem to hit with the same force as the Raid. Even when they arrive at the pocket at what appears to be a good angle.

So I guess I'm looking for something a little weaker than my Raid, but without sacrificing the power it has. It's not burning up. Just a hair early as far as when it's grabbing.

That's why I'm thinking weak as far as reaction, but not with a weak (pancake type) core.


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2008, 10:42:55 PM »
Actually... I have a Raid and have had a lot of success with it until recently.

Either the pattern has changed (at my favorite center), or I'm just not throwing as hard, but the majority of my shots are making their move early. Unusual as I have always been speed dominant player, and used to be very frustrated when I couldn't get enough movement out of a ball.

I have older equipment that consists of balls that WERE very aggressive in their day (Storm Triple X, for instance), but they don't seem to hit with the same force as the Raid. Even when they arrive at the pocket at what appears to be a good angle.

So I guess I'm looking for something a little weaker than my Raid, but without sacrificing the power it has. It's not burning up. Just a hair early as far as when it's grabbing.

That's why I'm thinking weak as far as reaction, but not with a weak (pancake type) core.

Ahh, I see.

I would still say go with the smash time, but now I'd suggest the pearl if you're looking for a little more length over your raid. Maybe something like the New Bash (Brown one), or the Avalanche Pearl. Drill either of these pin under the ring finger, and I think you'll like the results. If you're an ebonite guy, stick with ebonite or vice versa. I'm Ebonite, Almost 100% of the time, but I do have an Avalanche Pearl. I like it, but it's not great for my game I need the Ebonite Equivalent (Brown Bash).

The smash time and pearl version of the smash time are my personal favorites as far as my middle of the road stuff, but if you're looking for a little more length, mild reaction, and still a strong push, I'll make a short list of stuff (a lot of it's older)...

Black Ice
Smash Time Pearl*
Bash (either one) (New one*)
Clash (Either one)
Avalanche Pearl*

Not a big storm guy, can't help you there. Maybe a Saturn/Pluto for Roto Grip...

Any of these pin under, semi basic drilling would be good in my opinion, with the ones having stars being the best.

I'd lay them out something like this:


That should get you length (coverstock)
controlability (Layout)
And hit (decent weight blocks)
Bakersfield, California

Robb's Pro Shops

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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2008, 11:01:02 PM »
Thanks.  I am making a note of all the balls being mentioned and starting to get into ball aquisition mode (or already was and am just trying to rationalize buying another).

Also... although I do purchase plenty of brand new balls, I saw a few used balls for sale at one of the pro-shops I frequent, and wondering if they might work.

There was a "Twisted Fury Solid" (I think it was the solid....either that or "Twisted Fury" with a very dull finish), and a Storm "Fired Up". Might have been a Cherry Vibe there too....not sure.


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2008, 11:02:40 PM »
My Liberator hits very well, definitely needs some dry to get going and is susceptible to carrydown, but it reacts very even and is my goto ball on lighter stuff due to the control and the ability to carry well. I don't mean this as a Lane 1 plug but the ball just matches up for me well and has been very good for me as my mild ball.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2008, 11:06:46 PM »
Thanks.  I am making a note of all the balls being mentioned and starting to get into ball aquisition mode (or already was and am just trying to rationalize buying another).

Also... although I do purchase plenty of brand new balls, I saw a few used balls for sale at one of the pro-shops I frequent, and wondering if they might work.

There was a "Twisted Fury Solid" (I think it was the solid....either that or "Twisted Fury" with a very dull finish), and a Storm "Fired Up". Might have been a Cherry Vibe there too....not sure.

I think the Cherry Vibe might be just what you're looking for as well (forgot to address Hammer). The Twisteds will probably be a little bit more than what you're seeking, and the fired up...well, I've heard good and bad about the ball.

I'd think about the fired up too, though, maybe do a little research.

As far as what The Crowned Prince said about his Dry/R, let's not forget he's the most amazing bowler in all of America and must be hailed as such.

You've got your head on straight...ignore him. You're on the right track with a weaker coverstock and a stronger weight block with a medium drill.


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2008, 11:07:16 PM »
Power Groove?  

How would the weaker core help? Maybe if you have a lot of revs the deflection actually helps create more pin action?

There are players in my leagues that use plastic (or weak reactive) balls and have the same kind of success you are describing. But most of them have a lot of hand. Even though my speed seems to be decreasing or deficient lately, no one would ever say that I put a lot of revs on the ball. Basically go down and in and rely mostly on speed.

I TRY to put revs on the ball and I TRY to send the ball out sometimes, but I would be very surprised if I were able to get the kind of reaction you're describing.

Still.... my gears are turning.



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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2008, 11:08:22 PM »
Thanks.  I am making a note of all the balls being mentioned and starting to get into ball aquisition mode (or already was and am just trying to rationalize buying another).

Also... although I do purchase plenty of brand new balls, I saw a few used balls for sale at one of the pro-shops I frequent, and wondering if they might work.

There was a "Twisted Fury Solid" (I think it was the solid....either that or "Twisted Fury" with a very dull finish), and a Storm "Fired Up". Might have been a Cherry Vibe there too....not sure.

I think the Cherry Vibe might be just what you're looking for as well (forgot to address Hammer). The Twisteds will probably be a little bit more than what you're seeking, and the fired up...well, I've heard good and bad about the ball.

I'd think about the fired up too, though, maybe do a little research.

As far as what The Crowned Prince said about his Dry/R, let's not forget he's the most amazing bowler in all of America and must be hailed as such.

You've got your head on straight...ignore him. You're on the right track with a weaker coverstock and a stronger weight block with a medium drill.
Bakersfield, California

Robb's Pro Shops

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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2008, 11:10:32 PM »
Power Groove?  

How would the weaker core help? Maybe if you have a lot of revs the deflection actually helps create more pin action?

There are players in my leagues that use plastic (or weak reactive) balls and have the same kind of success you are describing. But most of them have a lot of hand. Even though my speed seems to be decreasing or deficient lately, no one would ever say that I put a lot of revs on the ball. Basically go down and in and rely mostly on speed.

I TRY to put revs on the ball and I TRY to send the ball out sometimes, but I would be very surprised if I were able to get the kind of reaction you're describing.

Still.... my gears are turning.


I repeat. Ignore TCP. He's an idiot. Have you seen him bowl (he's got vids on Youtube)? Or if you look at his other posts it becomes abundantly clear he's not the most educated man as far as bowling (or life/manners) are concerned.

I'm on his ignore list for disagreeing with him, so he can't read this...but that's beside the point.

You're on the right track. Stay away from the pancake cores.
Bakersfield, California

Robb's Pro Shops

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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2008, 11:14:25 PM »
It's amazing the things that pop into one's head while typing out a reply or post here.

One of my teammates is kind of disgusted with his Cherry Vibe and at least as of last week was considering getting rid of it. He's not unhappy with the reaction, it's the drilling he's had trouble with, and has grown tired of trying to get it drilled right.

I'll ask him later this week if he's still looking to part with it. And if that doesn't work out, then I can start checking out some of the other balls mentioned here.