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Author Topic: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?  (Read 5782 times)


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milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« on: November 08, 2008, 01:04:53 PM »
I believe I am missing one type of reaction in my arsenal. A ball that has a relatively mild coverstock, yet plows through the pins with very little deflection. Is there any consensus on which ball might be considered a very hard hitting ball, despite a relatively mild or non-aggressive coverstock?

In other words... something stronger than plastic, but not a lot. With an aggressive core and mild coverstock? Is there such an animal?

I want it to get down the lane and have minimal movement, but plow through pins ---presuming it's on target.



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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2008, 10:02:30 PM »
Oh... in answer to "TheCrownedPrince"'s question, Yes, I would say my Complete Chaos is the weakest in my arsenal. And it's not that weak, but enough so that I can control it when the lanes are drying out. The Ultimate Weapon also. But it gets squirty when there is carrydown. Chaos is more dependable.

And the reviews I saw of the Avalanche Pearl look exactly like what I'm looking for. Doesn' mean I'll settle on that ball, but thank you again to you and everyone else for giving me some ideas I can work with

Edited on 11/9/2008 11:10 PM


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2008, 10:28:10 PM »
Holy Cow(!!!!) did it take a LOT of work to get a Liberator polished with a high gloss. It is what I wanted it to be now, but it sure wasn't easy!

If you're looking for plastic, Lane #1's XXXL is un-parrelled. Also, the Liberator polished up with a high gloss will be the next step down, with it's urethane(BUD) coverstock.

Don't argue with an idiot people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2008, 11:19:22 PM »
Holy Cow(!!!!) did it take a LOT of work to get a Liberator polished with a high gloss. It is what I wanted it to be now, but it sure wasn't easy!

If you're looking for plastic, Lane #1's XXXL is un-parrelled. Also, the Liberator polished up with a high gloss will be the next step down, with it's urethane(BUD) coverstock.

Don't argue with an idiot people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

QFT, I tried the sauce and it got it to a sheen but after a while it just wasn't doing the job, used me some Ebonite Factory Finish and in 5 more minutes of high speed I got mine really shiny. Not a dis on the sauce but I found the ebonite stuff to work better.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2008, 12:55:36 AM »
Any entry level ball will probably do. Brunswick's Avalanches also fill that role, as well as the discontinued Jolts from Storm.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2008, 03:02:11 AM »
Lanemaster's Hornet
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2008, 04:28:56 AM »
Roto Grip Neptune, without a doubt.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2008, 09:01:05 AM »
Either the pattern has changed (at my favorite center), or I'm just not throwing as hard, but the majority of my shots are making their move early. Unusual as I have always been speed dominant player, and used to be very frustrated when I couldn't get enough movement out of a ball.

Neptune -- I'm going to suggest another solution.  From your description, and assuming you're bowling on some version of a THS, I think you're not lined up right.  Try moving your line further inside to keep the ball in the oil longer before it makes its move when it hits the end of the pattern.  Maybe get to the lanes an hour or so early for league and throw a couple of practice games to get lined up.  --  JohnP


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2008, 10:08:08 AM »
Thanks John.  I will try moving inside a bit.

As for practicing before league, I used to be able to do that, but this year there they added a league in front of us, so practice would have to end an hour before league starts


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2008, 10:55:18 AM »
In other words... something stronger than plastic, but not a lot. With an aggressive core and mild coverstock? Is there such an animal?

Nope...Not really a market for it in terms of mass sales.  People want hook hook hook! LOL.  Thats what sells.  Thats why you see people with neptunes, plutos, vibes, or even avalanches hooking the lane.  I would recommend going with a medium strong solid such as a Grand illusion, I am biased to roto grip but any other companies mid line would work just as well. And drill it weak, like 5 1/2 - 6" Pin to PAP.  

The reason I stress solid is because of the ease of cover adjustments...add polish to store more energy or scuff it up to bleed some of it off.  I also like to drill the ball so that you can easily add a Flare increasing weight hole.  Throw it without one first, play with the surface and if you see you need just a tad more "pop" then drill the flare increasing weight hole.  I think that this will get you exactly what your looking for.

Hope this helped,
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2008, 08:31:47 PM »
Found a Jolt Pearl on the used rack and picked it up.

Looking forward to trying it out Thursday or Saturday after the lanes have started drying out.

If it works out, then...being a ball whore, I'll probably want to buy a couple more balls (new ones) for this condition.


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2008, 08:35:46 PM »
My original Storm Eraser PBT, loved that ball.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #42 on: November 11, 2008, 09:10:24 AM »
I have both the Hornet and the Neptune.  Shot a 300 with the Neptune.  The Neptune is a great light oil ball the carry is tremendous but is much stronger off the break point then the Hornet.  The Hornet has more controll off the break point and won't get you in trouble unless there is more oil then light.

My teammate throws the Avalanche solid polished and thats his control ball.  Seems to handle more oil then the Neptune but I don't think the carry is as good.

I'm sure surface prep and drilling can help any of these bowling balls handle more or less oil and start up earlier or later, so I like to go with a weightblock that will help carry better, so I use the Neptune.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #43 on: November 11, 2008, 09:46:10 AM »
I promise you that the ball you desire is called the AMF Hei$t.  It is simply the most forgiving, controllable solid you will ever throw.  The fact that people don't know about this ball continues to blow me away.  Go pick one of these up for some ridiculous price (like less than 70 shipped) and thank me later.

And I am in no way an AMF lover... Hammer guy actually, but this ball is awesome.

Speaking of Hammer, if you could find either of the PURE Hammers, you would be golden as well.
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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #44 on: November 11, 2008, 10:01:50 AM »
The PowerGroove pearl/reactive is your animal.
Amazing predictably and a nice tame reaction. Versatile on numerous conditions. Hit and carry closely equals the high-end stuff. My go too ball 4 sure.
I'm a low-rev fluffer. It's an animal for me.....

Edited on 11/11/2008 11:03 AM


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Re: milder reacting, yet hardest hitting ball?
« Reply #45 on: November 11, 2008, 10:10:32 AM »
Anything in the Roto Grip Planet lineup! All are very controllable with a strong finish and hit! Just my $.02, Bruce
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