3 weeks ago I had 11/12 strikes. 8-in-a-row and left a 6-7-10. (my fault, bad shot) and then struck out. Today during league, I had the first 7 and left a five pin (my fault again, think I sped it up a little) and then struck out for a 279, my highest game ever so far. I think a 300 is just around the corner.
So how many Juniors qualified for the first round of Junior Masters? For the first time in 3 years, I finally qualified for the first round. Was using my Ultimate Inferno when everyone was using their plastic. The ball just works wonders for me on broken down patterns.
Things to do at a bowling alley- Will continually update
*Bring a small gold idol, demand the other team pray to it.
Edited on 3/12/2005 7:39 PM